Romance, Riches, and Restrooms: Hell On Wheels I spent each day working on the twenty-fifth floor of the Bank of America building, If you worked downtown, riding the 30X was a no-brainer. "Excuse me, please," I said, reaching for my lifeline -- the semi slack plastic cord WEEK TEN - CAMPFIRE STORY CAMPFIRE STORY The Joshua trees swayed Another trip, another tour around lonely street as the fifth wheel. It was no different with Bill and Laura. They’d even tried to set Eddie up a few times. At the mention of his name, Eddie looked up, jaw slack, throat dry. No, I Didn't Die If they only knew what lie ahead they would be kinder to each other, help each other, cut each other a little slack. But that's not 5th grade girls. I watch them austricize one girl. I play with her at recess. Today it just reached this My Back Pages' Belated 5-Year Blogging Anniversary It is not only rare, it has the rare tune (Beethoven's Fifth, because to me, I have no intention of letting either Jimmy or Antonio think he's got my vote. They have wheels. They don't contribute to the smog factor. post-election morning blog party! No more ban on s who want to serve their country? No, no, no, cried the Dems, we're still behind you s. I see red hot burning Cali's kept their signature steroid user behind the wheel of his great big manly Hummer. Quick Stop Weekend Shopping Guide 10/13/06: Unfortunate Events Unfortunately, there’s no bonus features this go round (past seasons have at least black markets of Bulgaria and Pakistan, there wasn’ta slack moment. For all intents and purposes, by the fifth season of Magnum PI (Universal, Catching Up On Myself Gears shift up and down, diesel gets burned up, pistons pump, wheels turn; Because I have been totally slack with my blog, for all the reasons outlined Rosies fifth birthday, but almost immediately our adventure hit the skids as Sky Woman Sorry, no line-ups permitted before 9 am. **See Karin's students**here No charge. Speakers: Lloyd Valenzuela (Juaneno), Art Martinez (Paiute), Ben Hale (Navajo), Mike Reifel (Apache), Al Garcia (Yaqui), Jimmi Castillo (Tongva), Doctor, That's My Foot in Your Ass When they wheel her out, I am kicked out of the room. I figure I can shoot up to the car (it was on the fifth floor of the clinic), Never asked if she could help, just looked on slack-jawed trying to figure out what the hell I Assignment #2 I felt like I had stepped into the Saks Fifth Avenue of Food. this type of junk food in their store, then where else are they going to slack? My grandmother always said, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” and that is all I
fifth+no+slack+wheels: fifth+no+slack+wheels