, Thu, 01 Nov 2007 20:43:56 GMT --> VIRUS MS DOS PIF-
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PFW.pif virus or worm or trojan - spreads via pen drivesflash
PFW.pif; comes as a hidden file I first saw in a pen drive (also variously called flash drive to thumb drive to thumbnail drive)Anyway the hidden file is labelled as an MSDOS; shortcut but it is a trojan or worm or virus; or whatever.
Antwort auf: mal wieder neuer ICQ-Virus 00:50 von quux
Die PIF;-Dateien sind ein Überbleibsel aus der alten MS;-DOS; Zeit. PIF;-Dateien sind ähnlich wie EXE, COM oder BAT-Dateien ausführbar. Diese Eigenschaft wird allerdings von Viren-Programmierern dazu missbraucht Computer zu infizieren.
The virus; samples were divided into these categories, according to the type of the virus; : File = BeOS, FreeBSD, Linux, Mac, Palm, OS2, Unix, BinaryImage, BAS viruses, MenuetOS. MS;-DOS; = MS;-DOS; viruses. Windows = Win.*.* viruses.
Practical E-mail protection from viruses and worms
Select “Display the Full MS;-DOS; path in the title bar.” You can also get to this by clicking on My Computer, then View, then Options, then the View tab. Never click on a file that ends in .exe or .pif; or .vbs as these are files that
How to find out whether an e-mail or its attachment is safe?
.exe (Program); .com (MS;-DOS; program); .pif; (Shortcut to MS;-DOS; program); .bat (Batch file); .scr (Screen saver file). What should be done when the email or its attachment looks suspicious? Run the anti-virus; check on the email first.
are you ready for vista and msn solutions
; a virus; this file is call pif; is an older version of ms;-dos; where people tend to program on it but they now dun use it at new os anymore is actually a script error rather then a virus; means u use anti virus; to scan is also
TWF TabWorks文件TWW Tagwrite模板TX8 MS;-DOS;文本TXB Descent/D2编码概要文件TXT ASCⅡ文本格式的声音数据TXW Yamaha TX16W波形文件TZ 老的压缩格式文件T2T Sonate CAD建模软件文件UB 原始未符号化的字节(8位)数据UDF Windows NT/2000唯一性数据库
시작 프로그램 위치 모음
While autoexec.bat executes immediately upon boot-up, dosstart.bat executes only when you are running Windows 95/98 and select the "restart in MSDOS; mode" option from the shutdown menu. At that point Windows exits with instructions to
MS;-DOS;-based program — 基于MS;-DOS; 的程序 MSMQ multibyte — 多字节 Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol, MADCAP — 多播地址动态客户端分配协议 multicast address resolution service, MARS — 多播地址解析服务
好用軟體討論區- 拜託訪客先註冊再登入吧!! 螢幕右上角就有會員註冊
COB TrueSpace 2物件檔 COD Microsoft C編譯器產生的可顯示機器碼/彙編代碼檔,其中附有源C代碼作為注釋 COM 命令檔(程式) CPD Corel Print Office檔(圖形) CPD,CPE 傳真覆蓋文檔 CPI Microsoft MS;-DOS;內碼表資訊檔 CPL 控制面板副檔名,Corel顏色板
W32/Rbot-AMZ - Spyware Worm - Sophos threat analysis
When first run W32/Rbot-AMZ copies itself to <System>\ms-dos.pif. Get reports on the latest virus threats delivered to your computer
W32/Rbot-AMR - Spyware Worm - Sophos threat analysis
When first run W32/Rbot-AMR copies itself to <System>\ms-dos.pif. Get reports on the latest virus threats delivered to your computer
W32.Holcas.A@mm - Symantec.com
Quando una macchina contrae un virus, un worm o un cavallo di Troia, Si apre così l'Editor di MS-DOS. NOTA: Se Windows è stato installato su un percorso
MS-DOS.PIF - Worm.RBot-APT.Process
Below is a description of MS-DOS.PIF. This application may not be safe to have on your computer. A worm is a special type of computer virus.
Rallentamento pc - Archivio del forum HTML.it forum
Run: [System Update Service] system.pif O4 - HKLM\\Run: [MSDOS Windows Service] msdos.pif RunServices: [MSDOS Windows Service] msdos.pif O4 - HKLM\.
Worm/Rbot.153600.2 - Full description
%SYSDIR%\ms-dos.pif It deletes the initially executed copy of itself. Virus Removal Tool. Detects and removes the following malware and its variants:
virus+ms+dos+pif: virus+ms+dos+pif



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, Thu, 01 Nov 2007 20:43:56 GMT -->