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Neandertal DNA, take II
As promised, this week's Science has an article from Eddy Rubin's group reporting 65 kb of Neandertal DNA sequence. It's not the million bases reported in Nature, but it's nothing to sneeze at, either. In terms of admixture,
From genomics and evolution to medicine
The most recent issue of Current Opinion in Genetics and Development has the theme "Genomes and Evolution: From genomics and evolution to medicine". There are a number of reviews of interest to readers here; check them out
The HapMap and copy number variation
In the HapMap database are genotypes for over 3 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 270 people-- 90 people of Western European descent, 90 people from Nigeria, 45 from Japan, and 45 from China.
Will someone please think of the children?
Via AL Daily, I came across this somewhat bizarre essay on sociobiology in the Chronicle of Higher Education. It's by a professor of psychology, and the premise, ostenibly, is how evolutionary psychology should be taught in our schools
Genomics and socialized health care
On this site, we often refer to public genomics resources like the HapMap project when making an argument about population differences in one thing or another. The reason for this is simple-- there is a vast quantity of information
2823 Arcadia Ter, Rockford, IL 61101, $79900 3 bed 1 bath
3 bed 1 bath single-family home in Rockford, IL
Thirty Short Poems About My Favorite Black Metal Band
I found out on the in-ter-net. I coulda guessed the truth, I suppose hey how about that guy Mortiis's nose ol' Dead from Mayhem used to bury his clothes whaddaya know about that. I wonder if you ever play out live
What a Strange Universe We Inhabit
“The flow of en­er­gy in­to the Uni­verse can be de­scribed as be­ing caused by an ex­ter­nal pres­sure from the vac­u­um,” he wrote in an email. “Viewed from in­side the Uni­verse, the pos­i­tive ex­ter­nal pres­sure looks like a
the boo$ter club
they are the ones behind the headline-grabbing scandals, the ones who write letters to university presidents demanding coaching changes and the ones who create web sites to complain about anything from quarterbacks to luxury boxes. but
Ven-ter-ell-i, Ven-ter-ell-i! [Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge]
Sorry, cartoon mice. I get carried away in dealing with already ramshackle thinkers whose right-tilting brains seem inordinately paralyzed by the results of last week's elections. Like occult diabetics whose malady only reveals itself

ter tyrannic ethical reconstruction

Sis-ter: Presentazione
Sis.ter è una società nata a Imola nel 1997 che si occupa di sistemi territoriali e servizi per la PAL.
Porting mainframe - unix, I-ter spa
I-TER SPA software house specializzata nel Porting mainframe - unix.
FON.TER - Fondo paritetico interprofessionale per la formazione
TER Fondo Paritetico Interprofessionale Nazionale per la Formazione Continua del TER ha realizzato, su scala territoriale, un catalogo di interventi
Legge n. 415 del 1998
"5-ter. In sostituzione totale o parziale delle somme di denaro costituenti il "2-ter. I pubblici dipendenti che abbiano un rapporto di lavoro a tempo

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Legge n. 415 del 1998
"5-ter. In sostituzione totale o parziale delle somme di denaro costituenti il "2-ter. I pubblici dipendenti che abbiano un rapporto di lavoro a tempo
I.TER - Progettazione ecologica del territorio
Studi sulla utilizzazione dei terreni agricoli ai fini di un coerente sviluppo economico ed ecologico nella regione Emilia-Romagna.
TER- S.p.A. - Software House e consulenza informatica
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So.F.Ter. SpA
Società specializzata nella compoundizzazione dei polimeri, trasformazione dei polimeri termoplastici.
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SCAVO-TER Srl opera nel campo degli scavi, delle demolizioni e della movimentazione terra, della realizzazione di strutture in Cemento Armato.
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