
Where is the line

Where is the line with you?

My purse wide open
You ask again
I see you trying to
Cash into accounts

Where is the line with you?

I want to be flexible
I want
To go out
Of my way for you
But enough is enough

Where is the line with you?

I want to be elastic
I want to go out of my way for you
I want to help you

Where is the line with you?

Who is it ?

His embrace : a fortress
It fuels me and places
A skeleton of trust
Right beneath us
Bone by bone
Rock by rock

If you ask yourself
And carefully
Who is it?
Who is it?

Who is it - that never lets you down?
Who is it - that gave you back your crown?
And the ornaments are
They're going around
And they're handing it over
Handing it over

Sonnets / unrealities xi

( E.E. Cummings Poem - 'it may not always be so' )

It may not always be so
And i say that if your lips
Which i have loved
Should touch another's
And your dear strong fingers clutch his heart
As mine in time not far away

If on another's face your sweet hair lay
In such a silence as i know
Or such great writhing words as,uttering overmuch
Stand helplessly before the spirit at bay

If this should be, I say if this should be
You of my heart, send me a little word
That i may go unto her,and take her hands saying
Accept all happiness from me
Then shall i turn my face
And hear one bird sing terribly afar in the lost lands

Desired constellation

It's tricky when
You feel that someone
Has done something
On your behalf

It's slippery when
Your sense of justice
Murmurs underneath
And you're asking yourself

How am I going to make it right?
How am I going to make it right?

With a palmful of stars
I throw them like dice
On the table
I throw them on the table
Until the desired constellation appears
And i ask myself

How am I going to make it right?
How am I going to make it right?
How am I going to make it right?

Mouth's cradle

There is yet another one
That nurtures me
And always loves me

I'm gonna walk up his teeth
Tooth by tooth
Up this ladder
Into the mouth's cradle


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