
What secrets does Mars hold?

Picture of Mars

This image of Mars courtesy of Views of the Solar System.

Mars has fired the curiosity and imagination of mankind for thousands of years. From the times of the Greek god of war, Ares, to our current spaceage Mars has continued to fascinate.

In the late 1800s, the "discovery" of "canals" on Mars captured the attention of thousands and launched a search for intelligent life on Mars. One hundred years later, after the canals have been widely dismissed, a mysterious "face" and strange pyramid shapes spark discussions again.

For the last thirty years unmanned spacecraft have been sent to explore this unique planet. Though no life, intelligent or otherwise, has been found some scientists speculate that primitive life may at one time have existed. Future excursions, possibly manned, are planned for the future.

Come and probe the Martian surface with us. Let's see what we can find.





Torna all' indice di Marte

Mail Please send any questions, comments, or suggestions to: Bradley Keyes (
Last Updated: April 15, 1996
Copyright © 1996 by Bradley Keyes. All rights reserved.