Released: April 6th 2005
Released: April 2nd 2005
Released: March 30th 2005
Released: January 1st 2005
Released: December 31st 2004

T-80 Soviet Guards skin and T-80 template

A fictional skin for a Central Front scenario. This does not want to represent any actual unit that served in Central Europe, it was made to try my new T-80 skin
layered PSD template. However as far as I know the Guards badge on the tank sight cover was actually carried by some Guards tanks. Enjoy!

PS: I updated the skin and the template to version 1.2, with some added markings and weathering.

Released: December 7th 2004
Released: November 3rd 2004
Released: September 12nd 2004
Released: September 10th 2004
Released: September 9th 2004
Released: September 8th 2004