Il Limes Club Roma ha collaborato con lo Iapss, un'organizzazione internazionale degli studenti di scienze politiche, nell'organizzare il meeting si è svolto a Roma all'inizio dell'ottobre del 2001.
Ecco qui il programma:

Sunday 30th September 2001

Arrival of delegations. Meeting in the evening to introduce the Week
Programme at the City Hall with the introductory speech by Councillor M.

Monday 1st October 2001  (10:00—12:00)

I seminar: “Biotechnologies, human rights and globalisation”

· Liberal way to bioethic: Dr. Caporale (Einaudi Foundation)
· Bioethics and human person: Dr. Gambino (Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome)
· Genetic Globalisation: an overview: Prof. Di Mauro (University La Sapienza, Rome)
· The Post Genome Project: Prof. Tocchini (University La Sapienza, Rome)
· Biotechnologies and future: Hon.  Dall'Alba (Member of the European Parliament)
· Becoming a Biotechnologist: ethical consciousness and cultural background: Dr. Lescai (Honorary President of the National Council of Students in Biotechnology)
· New Human Rights: Prof. Maffettone (Luiss University, Rome)

Tuesday 2nd October 2001   (10:00—11:30)

II Seminar: “New Economy, Internet and globalisation”

· The governance of the Net: The power to assign the ‘Internet Identity’. Legal Insight: Dr. Papa Malatesta  (Ceradi, Luiss University)
· The new Internet Economy: The Role of Transparency in establishing trusted trading and collaborative partnerships in civil Society: Mrs. Maxwell (Chairman, Internet Societal Task Force Trustee  ISOC)
· Information Society: Prof. Abrusci (Luiss University-Rome)
· Democracy of Communication: Mr. Galanzino (Youth of Confindustria)

Forum: Global Geopolitics   (12:00—13:30)

Introduced and moderated by
dr. Caracciolo  (Limes)
prof. Sacco  (LUISS Guido Carli)

Tuesday 2nd October 2001   (15:00—16:30)

III Seminar: “Direct democracy and electronic vote: end of representation?”

· New Patterns of democracy: Prof.  De Mucci (Luiss University, Rome)
· Experiments and Experiences of instant democracies: some case-studies: Dr. Di Gregorio, Dr. Mellone (Luiss University, Rome)
The internet democracy: Mrs Manno (
· Internet: a tool serving democratisation by adapting democracy to XXIst century society expectations and requirements: Mr Biancheri (President of EU Student Vote)
· Agora, Click here to enter: Is utopia becoming reality? (Two online application of direct democracy): Mr Spampanato (Radio Radicale)

Thursday 4th October 2001   (10:00—11:30)
IV seminar:  “Market socialism and free market. What future role for the

· State and Market in the new international scenario: Prof.  Da Empoli (Luiss Guido Carli, Rome)
· A radical view: Hon. Della Vedova (Member of European Parliament)
· Modern welfare state: Prof. Sylos Labini (University La Sapienza, Rome)
· Is there a third way? The problem of knowledge: Prof. Garello, (IES Europe, Aix-en-Provence)
· The role of the economy on the geopolitical debate. Future of the Geoeconomic scenario in the new world  assets: Gen. Prof. Jean (Luiss Guido Carli, Rome)

Workshop on Transnational parties: what role for them in the society? 
introduced and moderated by Prof. F.J. Moreno  (University of California)

Thursday 4th October 2001   (15:00—16:30)

V seminar: “Third World and Globalisation”

· History and Geography of the  Digital Divide: Mr. Morawski (Historian and expert of media and multiculturalism)
· A.I.D.S. and tuberculosis: Mrs. Dentico (Medicins sans frontière), · Drop the debt: Mr. De Fraia (Sdebitarsi)
· Humanitarian crises and new horizons of international relations: Mr Rufini (Ngo InterSoS)
· Democratisation of governments: Amb. Biancheri (President of ISPI, Milan)
· The Political Consequences of the Global Economy: Prof. F.J. Moreno (University of California)
· Global policies against famine: Amb. Incisa di Camerana (FAO Vice Director)

Friday 5th October 2001  (10:00—15:00)

Seminars and info desks on different aspects of globalisation:

· Sport and globalisation, ARISTOTELION;
· Global music, Dr. L. Imevbore;
· The Seattle people, Dr Francesco Vitali - LIMES,
· World peace forum, dr. Massoni -Unipax;
· Internet society, PERICLES;
· Global human rights, dr. Del Pia
· Human Security, Mr. Nigro

Friday 5th October 2001   (15:30—17:30)

Round Table: “ecocapitalism and globalisation”

· Could we give a price to the environment?: Prof. Trezza (University La Sapienza, Rome)
· Genoa outcomes of the problem: Mr Gubbiotti (Ngo Legambiente)
· The society of risks and globalisation: Sen. Occhetto (Senate of the Republic)
· The consequences of global economy: Prof. F.J. Moreno (University of California)
· A liberal overview on environmental problems: Dr. Lorenzin (Rome City Council)
· Liberalism and environment: Hon. Cappato (European Parliament)
· Green policies for sustainable development: Sen. Martone (Senate of the Republic)

Forum  on the future of Political Science (18:00—19:30)

Future Theoretical and Practical Approaches to the Study of Politics: introduced and moderated by Prof. F.J. Moreno (University of California)

All seminars will be held in the Aula Nocco by the Luiss law faculty seated
in Via Parenzo 11, Rome


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