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Titolo:: INFOGNA GIOVANI - Info Maracaibo Squat
Indymedia Italia - Decoupage, graffiti, mosaici e qualunque cosa ci/ti venga in mente! A sera grande festa in tinozza e costume da Bagno. Tutti i materiali presenti sul sito sono distribuiti sotto Creative Commons ...
Cupra Marittima: Uniti contro la droga
Il Quotidiano - Arte Decoupage pittorico di Crescenzi Vilma - Perozzi Domenica; Ritratti spiritosi e particolari di Muriel Peroni. Alle 17.30 P.zza Possenti - lungomare via N.Sauro:...
Stampa l'articolo
Il Quotidiano - Arte Decoupage pittorico di Crescenzi Vilma - Perozzi Domenica; Ritratti spiritosi e particolari di Muriel Peroni. Alle 17.30 P.zza Possenti - lungomare via N.Sauro:...
A jewel here, and a trinket there, add up to works of art (St. Petersburg Times)
Sally Lewis can bead just about anything: pillows, picture frames, mirrors, candlesticks, teapots, jewelry, vintage trays and furniture....
'Mountain Man' lends a hand (Berkshire Eagle)
LENOX - His typical day begins at 3:45 a.m. He sits, alone, with his breakfast and a small notepad, boldly printing his maxims on life while the county is shrouded in darkness....
Extend Your Outdoor Room Into Fall (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
Gathering under the stars on a warm summer night doesn't have to be a fond memory just because cooler weather is approaching. In fact, with a few simple touches, you can seamlessly transform your outdoor entertaining area from a fun summer oasis to a cozy fall retreat....
Go on a creative roll with exotic paper (Louisville Courier-Journal)
Who knows what the Egyptians were thinking when they first chopped up stems and leaves and made papyrus? Little could they foresee the future of paper, which has evolved into thousands of different varieties....
BOX BUILDINGS (The Columbus Dispatch)
Create all kinds of cool structures - from houses to high-rises, metal shops to museums - with household boxes and a few found objects....
Richfield teacher remembered as a woman of many talents (The Times-News)
RICHFIELD - Even students from Mrs. Alice Behr's first first-grade class remember her as a kind and soft-spoken woman who could discipline with a warning tone in her voice and a look in her eye....
New book published on antique ephemera (Peninsula Daily News)
PORT ANGELES -- Trishia Jacobs of Port Angeles has published her first book of antique ephemera, ``Travel Labels Clip Art with CD."...
Here's a way to let your floor have a face (Detroit News)
It's been done on books, boxes and furniture even the walls. But why isn't it being done on the floor?...
Scientific tinkerings (Boston Globe)
Mark Gelfand , co founder of Intex Solutions Inc., donated a five-year, $280,000 grant to launch an after-school program kit to help schools start science and technology enrichment programs. The kits are based on University of Massachusetts at Lowell's DesignLab after-school program and the DesignCamp summer program directed by Douglas Prime , director of the K-12 educational outreach for the ...
Seeing Red (Whittier Daily news)
You might be a redneck if you think an arm curl is when you lift a pitcher of beer. You might be a redneck if "karaoke" is what you do for your pal from Oklahoma after he's had too many Natural Lites....

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