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Oaxaca: Solitary in Flames The Narco News Bulletin
The entire structure of political organizations and institutionalized labor unions are, in spite of their differences, leaving Oaxaca in solitude during these crucial moments.
A Call from the Zapatistas: Oaxaca Is Not Alone The Narco News Bulletin
Sergio Almaguer, Secretary General of the Mexican Party of Communists, Has Died The Narco News Bulletin
Our compañero Sergio Almaguer died early in the morning of October 25, in the state of Sonora, of a heart attack. The secretary general of the Mexican Party of Communists , he had been a militant in the organization since his youth, committed to Marxism and workers’ struggle both in Mexico and in the world.
The Comca’ac Indigenous Group Denounces the Sonora State Government’s Plan to Take their Lands The Narco News Bulletin
PUNTA CHUECA , SONORA, OCTOBER 22 : The council of elders of the Comca’ac nation (a people also known as the Seri) greeted Subcomandante Marcos this evening in their main community, handing over to him the “staff of authority” of this dignified and combative people.
The APPO in Yucatán The Narco News Bulletin
By Rafael Gómez Chi Por Esto!
The Brown Berets of Watsonville, California The Narco News Bulletin
They take up the legacy of Chicano agrarian leader César Chávez, of Malcolm X, of Martin Luther King, of the Zapatistas and, of course, of sixties movements like the Black Panthers and the Brown Berets. From this last group they retake its name, its berets and its fighting spirit.
Nine Dead: Indigenous Teacher Assassinated in Oaxaca City The Narco News Bulletin
OAXACA CITY , OCTOBER 18: Indigenous elementary school teacher Pánfilo Hernández was murdered tonight with three gunshot wounds to the abdomen as he was leaving a neighborhood meeting of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO in its Spanish initials), in the El Pozo neighborhood of the city’s Jardín section.
Oaxaca: Eight Dead, Eight The Narco News Bulletin
Eight dead, eight. Almost all of them on one side. In Oaxaca the murdered come from only one side. Blood spills from the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), as do those wounded by gunshots, arrested without warrant, the kidnapped and the tortured.
Marcos Announces Continental Indigenous Encounter for October 2007 The Narco News Bulletin
When the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle was released in the summer of 2005, it soon led to the Zapatistas’ national plan for the Other Campaign: Marcos would travel Mexico, listening to the people’s struggles in every state and carrying the stories of these struggles to the rest of the country.
Atenco in the Lacandon Jungle The Narco News Bulletin
An enormous banner expressing solidarity with the people of Atenco is hung in the main entrance of the Zapatista caracol , La Realidad. “This banner means that we, as indigenous people fighting for land, are the same as our comrades in Atenco who are fighting for the same.

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