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my body is my art imagine dark higways poor Ofelia,in aeternum caressed compet wiyh silence this night I'm the Fender blood's ampli proud distorction obscure painfull but I know where I go I'm b
to loose my own fight
bad dreams to my fatherlands silent hell tragic mirrors play necrological dreams painting skin say I'll loose my own fight radio hard sound surrender announces at evening with lov
once I wrote some poems sage gods upon my arms saw spirit blows away roman desolation trails in the fog a deal with death obscure music I touch her smile & death saw me
nouvelle vague a song
to beg for alms & then to light candles to tell one's beads to recite pater noster bleeding heart & then make holy communion nouvelle vague. I go around day&night I forget al
my father's dead
my father's dead so much pain words never said my father's dead
you're who call Madonna you say:"if I'm don't in me, take me back to me!" you scream when I beg holy communion red splendid rose gone out of rain you know more secr
sick sick sick this scratched face sourmonted burnsted sick sick sick sin's sick you know what I mean pleasure pain punishiment revolt confession Crono still starving no one is there no one is
you're lost
You're lost.tell me why dark instants rolled on the pillow nothing you'd have in need in your heart&soul you're lost. in the morning can't speak no more strange traps int
moon's destiny
everything will be not better than this right or wrong long broken hyghway today got a lotus in my mouth today in windy cellars today got blood on my eyelashes you'll try give the best you'll try to d
you and me sit alone me invicible chimic among skin on air arms swim insane high prayer, o Stones 70'sme &Friski go to the Valley black Alfa Romeo nightday screams Lombardy november an

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