Leslie Cheung World Wide Passion Tour 2000

Mainland China

September 23 ~ Hangzhou

He was presented by the Eternal Charisma Award by media

I adore his new hair cut!!

The concert !

pictures from www.cnnews.com and www.12956.com

a very special thanks to Bettercy King and her friend... hope she give me the permission for her pictures!


September 30 ~ Kuanming

pictures from Next Magazine


October 14 ~ Guangzhou

pictures from TakungPao, Oriental Daily, The Sun and Sing Tao

visit also AppleDaily, EOnline, HK Cyber, Show8, Wenweipo and other news sites on links page

concert clips here


November 4 ~ Shenzhen

pictures from AppleDaily

visit also MingPao and The Sun at my links page - read fans report on Leslieclub.com


November 11 ~ Nanjing

see some pictures and read a beautiful report on Leslieclub.com


November 15 ~ Ningbo

The Most Sexy Guy in the World!

Dear Alice, I'm absolutely crazy for this picture, so... I've stole it to you!!!

go to Leslieclub.com: it's so special!!!!



world wide passion tour page

contents page
