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HTML.it - the italian portale on the Web publishing

Communications: 08/03 all the best piciaaaaa... TVB -- and all the best to all the women! -- 12/03 all the best also to you Manu -- from a ballot to this site: to clic on "Opinion poll" -- the new section "Dowloads" visits

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With regard to...

My photos

In this page you will only find some of the beautifulst photos  mine  and... non! Advised   vision.... a  all obviously!!!

Palace of the sport

The  page  is dedicated to  my last  plan  realized  for the course of  Architecture and Composition; for any info you write me.

...who knows...

Play all together...

Smorfia on line

Insert the word to try:


Hello to all!!! In  this  site, that i will try to maintain most possible up-to-date,  you can entire find sections  dedicated  to  engineering, the  architecture  and  the  CAD beyond to an immense one choice of  links  that  task can is useful to you...  Therefore, seeing that the scope of the site is  just  that  of  having  to disposition  a  list  of  links  of  general  interest,  if  you  have  some someone  to  signal  me or  if  you  have  some  observation  from  makes  me  you can  send  me one mail or write me in the guestbook directly.

While... the good navigation to all!!! 

L I N K S    U S E F U L


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