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Welcome to Wi-LAN Inc.
Wi-LAN, which was founded in 1992, is a licensor of key wireless technologies, and was co-founder of You need the flash plugin. Please install FLASH .
Wi-LAN Inc - Accelerate your WiMAX development
WiMAX Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) Solutions is uniquely poised to assist a wide range Wi-LAN Technology. Wi-LAN is a global provider of broadband wireless communications products
Harpax: soluzioni radio e laser per dati e fonia
Harpax: soluzioni radio e laser per dati e fonia Soluzioni a 2.4Ghz Wi-lan VIP 110-24 Tecnologia VINE Harpax commercializza da tempo gli apparati
Sicetelecom.it ponti ottici ponti radio wireless lan ponti ethernet wi
Sicetelecom - progettazione e produzione apparati di telecomunicazione, ponti radio, ponti ottici CONTATTACI SUBITO per poterti inserire tra i nostri rivenditori e partner certificati
Wireless - AC LAN Tlc
WI-MAX. AC-LAN TLC S.r.l è da poco entrata a far parte di un ristretto numero di aziende volte a sperimentare questa nuova tecnologia di trasporto dati wireless
AC-LAN TLC Srl - Progettazione installazione e manutenzione cablaggi
aziendali LAN WAN wireless cablaggi strutturati in fibra e rame. Configurazione apparati di rete LAN Tecnologie Wireless "senza fili" Wi-Max, Laser e Wi-Fi indoor/outdoo
Dispositivi Wi-Fi e LAN
USRobotics Wireless USB Adapter 54Mbps 3Com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Compact USB Adapter - Scheda di rete, Hi-Speed USB, Velocità di trasferimento 54 Mbps EAN
Wi-Fi - www.Portel.it
L'anno del Wi-Fi (in Rubriche > Punto Settimanale ) La disciplina legale delle Lan-Wireless. di Christian Caserini, Vittorio Loi - Pavia Ansaldo Studio Legal
Wi-Fi Wireless Lan
Observatory on Personal Communication - Italian market evolution with Markab consultant, that Editoriale PeC n. 29 - 31 maggio 2002. Wi-Fi al via . Buona fortuna alle Wireless Lan (con Adsl
Reti LAN e Wireless [Archivio] - Mr. Webmaster Forum
alla rete; Aiuto connessione router wirelles; Server e client in LAN - Client e Cell in Wi.fi; Lan e vBulletin® v3.6.3, Copyright ©2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd

StockHouse Canada
Wi-LAN holds key patents in the areas of WiFi, CDMA2000, WCDMA and WiMAX. Wi-LAN has licensed its technology to many companies. Wi-LAN is a charter member
Wi-LAN vs. Cisco: The Lawyers' Take
Wi-LAN is accusing Cisco of violating its Wi-Fi patents, but outside lawyers don't see a slam-dunk in this case.
Wi-LAN Acquires Patent Portfolio
The company's recent acquisition of 17 patents related to the MAC layer of WiMAX systems may give it a strategic advantage in deploying wireless broadband
Wi-Lan co-founder resigns over conflict with company
Wi-Lan co-founder, Hatim Zaghloul, has resigned over a disagreement with the company's direction.
Welcome to Wi-LAN Inc.
In partial consideration for this license, Nokia will fer to Wi-LAN patents, Wi-LAN, which was founded in 1992, licenses intellectual property that
GRYNX » All weather Wi-Lan enclosure
This box will house my proprietary Wi-Lan HP45-24 radio unit and set as a Front side Wi-Lan HP45-24 I bought this unit last summer of 1998 and the
AIRLINX - Wi-LAN Hopper Plus Spread Spectrum Wireless Ethernet Bridges
That's what you can expect from Wi-LAN's "Hopper Plus" wireless Ethernet Wi-LAN's competitively priced "Hopper" wireless modems set the standard for
Wi-LAN erhebt Patentansprüche auf WLAN-Standards - Golem.de
Die kanadische Firma Wi-LAN verklagt Cisco, da diese nach Ansicht von Wi-LAN Nach Ansicht von Wi-LAN verstoßen aber nicht nur Ciscos WLAN-Geräte gegen
globeandmail.com: Wi-LAN, Nokia in patent deal
Nokia is one of a host of equipment companies Ottawa-based Wi-LAN is chasing The patent agreement with Nokia is the biggest Wi-LAN has secured so far.
Joint Release: Fujitsu and Wi-LAN Deliver Industry Leadership in
Libra MX Platform Using the Fujitsu WiMAX SoC to be Featured at Fujitsu Booth #205 at Broadband Wireless World April 21-22. wi+lan: wi fi wireless lan , , wi fi wireless lan , , wi+lan
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