The Brief Introduction of the International Training Classes of Traditional Wushu

by Chinese Wushu Institute & the Chinese Wushu Association 2001

Ò» Principal Aim

Wushu originates from China and belongs to the whole world. The diligent, brave and intelligent Chinese people have created the magnificent and colorful wealth of culture in the history of culture development which is longer than 5000 years, and the broad and profound wushu is one of the most excellent representative works, which is loved deeply by billions of people from different Chinese ethnic groups and is passed on from generation to generation, for it can not only build good bodies, lengthen people's lives, but also be used to fight, grapple, defend oneself, cultivate the heart and nature culture, mold people's temperament, perform exhibitions, and so on. The culture isn't limited by the national boundaries. China would like to share wushu, which is the precious cultural wealth, with people of any country. Meanwhile to practice wushu, especially to practice the traditional one among the people is the shortcut and window for western nations to know and study Chinese culture, even the whole oriental culture with mysteries.
The Chinese Wushu Institute & the Chinese Wushu Association are the highest executive organization authorized by the National Administration for Physical Culture, which is in charge of the overall work. According to the current development of international wushu, the International Training Classes of Traditional Wushu held by these authentic organizations are open to those lovers who are eager to know and study Chinese traditional wushu passed on from generation to generation among the people from many countries. The best masters of wushu will be assigned as the teachers in order to make it sure that every one who comes to China can learn the true essence and master the real martial arts. Any one who attends the classes and passes the exams will be certificated by the Chinese Wushu Institute & the Chinese Wushu Association.
Because the trainees from the foreign countries also want to visit some famous historic sites and beautiful sceneries, some tour and sight-seeing will be made in accordance with specific conditions. For example, if the classes are held in Beijing, the trainees can go to the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, etc; if in Xi'an, to the Tomb of Emperor Qin, the Clay Figures of Warriors and Horses, etc; if in Hangzhou, to the West Lake which is called the heaven on earth, the Tomb of Yue Fei,etc.

¶þ Arrangement , Content & People to be Taught
Arrangement: The First Training Classes of Traditional Shaolinquan Serial Routine Competitions
Time: Nov. 15~24, 2001
Place: Dengfeng City, Henan Province
Content to be Taught: Shaolinquanplay, Shaolin Cudgelplay, the Theory of Shaolinquan (Traditional Shaolinquan Successors, Masters as the Teachers), 4 hours per day.
Places to be Visited: Songshan Shaolin Temple, Luoyang White Horse Temple, Dragon Grottoes
People to Taught: The lovers of Shaolinquan

Èý Standard of Charge
Trainees will be charged for certain service fees, including the board & lodging fee, tuition fee, the fee for the meet and send-off at the airport, for the travel in groups, for materials, places and so on. The training dress should be provided for yourself.
Every person in the training classes will be totally charged for 675 US Dollar. If some trainee wants to live alone, he will be charged for 765 US Dollar. If some trainee wants more training out of set time, he will be charged for 10 more US Dollar per hour.
One will be free in charge if the members are more than 15. Two people in one room (standard).
The charges for the certifications are 30 US Dollars.
Trainees can pay in cashes (Dollar, Yen or RMB all accepted).

ËÄ Deadline of Register Date: Oct. 25 ,2001
Please fax or post the Entry Forms to the Chinese Wushu Institute, Chinese Wushu Association.
Contacted with: Hao Huaimu, Chen Xi, Dong Wenyu
Mail Address: Social Wushu Department of Chinese Wushu Association, NO. 1 ( the East Gate of Olympics Gym.), Anding Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
Postcode: 100101
Fax:(86-10) 64912159
Telephone Number: (86-10) 64912159, 64912233-444

Receipt of the Training Classes of Traditional Shaolinquan Serial Routine Competitions
The first Training Classes of Traditional Shaolinquan Serial Routine Competitions will be open between Oct 15-24,2001 in Defeng City, He'nan province.
Teaching Content: Shaolinquanplay, Shaolin Cudgelplay , Theory of Shaolinquan (Traditional Shaolinquan Successors, Masters as Teachers ), 4 hours per day. During the training, the trainees will be organized to visit Songshan Shaolin Temple, Luoyang White Horse Temple, Dragon Grottoes People to be Taught are the learners or those who have learned something about Wushu
If you want to attend the Classes , please sign up the receipt carefully, then send it back . The address is the Social Wushu Department of Chinese Wushu Association, No1( the East Gate of Olympics Gymnasium),Anding Road, Chaoyang District ,Beijing ,China. Postcode: 100101
Nationality        Full Name        Age          Profession           Mail            Address         Telephone Number
E£­mail         Address Other         Contact          Manners             Time Schedule           Time
Content         Date Morning            
8:30£­11:00 Afternoon
3:00£­5:00 Evening
7:00 Remarks
Nov.15 Register
Nov.16 Opening Ceremony Chinese Boxing Routines Individual Study
Nov.17 Chinese Boxing Routines Chinese Boxing Routines Theory
Nov.18 Chinese Boxing Routines Review Chinese Boxing Routines Individual Study
Nov.19 Exams(Chinese Boxing ) Cudgelplay Routines Individual Study
Nov.20 Cudgelplay Routines Cudgelplay Routines Individual Study
Nov.21 Review Cudgelplay Routines Exams (Cudgelplay) Closing Ceremony(Get-together)
Nov.22 Visit Visit Depend
Nov.23 Visit Visit Depend
Nov.24 Leave Leave
Daily Schedule: 7:30 Breakfast 12:00 Lunch 18:30 Supper
Note: On the registering day a reception center will be established at Zhenzhou Airport and Zhenzhou Station respectively to receive the trainees. Those who are to attend the training classes should inform us of the date of their arrival in Zhenzhou, flight or train number, etc. in advance.
Telephone: 0371-3947457 3828269
People to contact: Feng Yang Chen Huiwen
Telephone: 3828269
People to contact: Du Jinshan Tang Wenyi

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