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Rules for Inaugural Chinese Kungfu vs US Boxing Challenge
December 11,1999-Las Vegas Hilton

Article 1 Competition System

Each Fight Will be fnve(5) rounds£¬of three minutes£¬with a 90-second rest break between each round£®The competing athletes must complete all the five rounds.

Atticle 2 Eligiblity

2£®1 Each Of the competing athletes must have a valid ID certlifcate showing the country he represents

2£®2 Each of the competing athletes must present his physical certficate£¬including but not limited to£¬electroencephalogram(EEG)£®electrocardiogram(ECG)£¬blood pressue and pulse rate taken within 20 days prior to the competition date£®

2. 3 Each of the competing athletes must be 18 years of age or over£®

2. 4 Each of the competing athletes must have his life insurance for the Competition and his health certificate for the competition issued by any competent medical authority£®

Article 3 Weight Divisions

3.1 54kg(£¼54kg)            

3.2 58kg(£¾54kg<=58kg)      

3.3 62kg(£¾58kg<=62kg)

3.4 66kg(£¾62kg<=66kg)

3.5 71kg(£¾66kg<=71kg)

3.6 76kg(£¾71kg<=76kg)

3.7 81kg(£¾76kg<=81kg)

3.8 85kg(£¯81kg<=85k8)

Article 4 official Weigh

4.1 Each of the cometing athlete will proceed to offcial weigh only after heis cofirmed eligible for the competition£®

4.2 Each of the competing athletes must present his ID certificate when weighing£®

4.3 Official Weigh will be executed by the chief registar in assistance by the weighing personnel£¬which all will be supervised by the jury£®

4.4 Official Weigh will be held in Las Vegas£¬24 to 36 hours prior to December 11£¬1999 event£¬Athlete can be naked or be with his shorts when weighing£®

4.5 Ofncial weigh will be completed in less than one hour£¬starting from the Hghter weight Category£®The competing athlete can only be one pound(0.454kg) over the weight limit£® If the weight limit of the athlete still does not meet the requirements which he is divided£®he Will be not be allowed to compete£¬and be fined 5£¥ of purse¡¢with this going to opponent£®

Article 5 Dress£¦Protectors

5.1 Each of the Competing athletes will be dressed in one style shorts for the team£¬with

bottom of shorts no lower than five(5) inches(16.7cm above middle of knee cap£®Shorts must

y team£¬and the protector must be worn under the shorts£®The US athletes may wear

boxing Shoes£®
5.2 Gloves and shorts will be red£¬blue or yellow color£®
5.3 Gloves will be 10 oz.
Article 6 Relevant Provisons

6.1 Each of the competing athletes must abideb by the Rules and respect and obey the

referee Wrangling or cursing to show any discontent will not be

6.2 Only three comer men be allowed in ring and on ring apron£®They are allowed to

instru their competing athlete on the condition that the competition is not affected and they

are at   the designated area£®

6.3 The coach and/or the entourage may give massage to the competing athlete during rest

break between each round£¬but no oxygen allowed to be administratve£®
6.4 The oxygen cylingder and stretcheer will be got ready at the medical supervision post£®

6.5 The competing athlete is not allowed to leavre the ring before the result is announced£¬

exceptin case of emergency due to injury£®

6.6 Doping will be strictly prohibited£®
Article 7 Default
During fight£¬due to disparity and for protection£®the competing athlete's chief second may
request for a default by throwing a towel to the ring and comes into the ring£®The competing
athlete may also request for a default by raising his hands£®
Article 8 Techniques of Attack and Defence
techniques of attack and defence can be administered by fists and legs£®or techniques of take
down£®The US athletes wiII not be allowed to apply legs(or feet)techniques to attack
Article 9 Valid Palts
Valid hitting palts are from bottom of shorts to top of head£®
Article 10 Prohibited Parts
Prohibited hitting parts are knees£¬back of head£¬throat and groin£®
Article 11 Scoring
11.1 Two points for a knockdown or take down£®
11.2 One point for as follows;
11.2£®1 Every landed punch to valid part£®
11.2£®2 EVery kick on valid Part£®
11.2£®3 If the competing athlete is inactive for six(6) seconds he gets one warning£¬if still
inactive£¬Opponent scores one Point£®
11.2£®4 If the competing athlete and opponent fall down successively£¬the one who fa11s
down later scores one point£®
11.2. 5 If the competing athlete hits or kicks opponent before "Start" or after"Stop" sign is
given by the referee£¬opponent scores one Point£®
11.2.6 If the competing athlete hits or kicks his opponent on prohibited part, opponent 
scores  one point£®
11.2.7 If the competing athlete does not abide by referee's instruction after a warning£¬
opponent scores one point£®
11.3 No point is scored if£º
11.3.1 No clear technique or no obvious hit or kick is made£®
11.3.2 Both the competing athlete and opponent fall down simultaneously£®
11.3.3 The competing athlete and opponent hit or kick each other£®
11.3.4 If the competing athlete falls as means of technique£®
11.3.5 If the competing athlete hits opponent in locked fight£®
Article 12 Suspension of Fight
12.1 The competing athlete falls down£®
12.2 The competing athlete is given a penalty£®
12.3 The competing athlete is inJured£®
12.4 Both competing athletes are in locked fight but last for over two(2)seconds  with no
affensive action£®
12.5 The competing athlete makes a intentional fall for over two(2) seconds£®
12.6 The chief referee makes correction on misorder or omission£®
12.7 The emergency or danger on spot to be dealt with£®
12.8 Interruption due to objective reason£®
Article 13 Winning/Losing Judgement
13.1 Superior win is as follows£º
13.1.1 Due to disparity£®tne superior will be the winner£®
13.1.2 The opponent cannot get off canvas in ten(10) seconds£®
13.1.3 The opponent gets three(3) forcible counts(except fouls)due to heavy punch£®
13.1.4 The opponent is injured or unfit and told by ringside doctors upon inspection not to
13.2 judges¡¯decision after each round ends£®
13.3 The opponent gets two(2)forcible counts(except fouls) due to heavy punch£®
13.4 If the competing athlete first wins three of five rounds on judges¡¯scorecards£®
13.5 Though Winning first three(3)rounds£¬but he is knocked out and cannot get off canvas
in ten(10)seconds in fial two(2) rounds£®
13.6 If fight£¬after five(5) rounds ends in a draw, a sixth and final round will be fought£®If
still a draw after sixth round, the jury will have three(3) minutes to review any vedeo and
vote for Winner£¬majority vote wins£®
13.7 If opponent feints to be injured due to a foul and confimed by ringside doctors upon
inspection£¬the foul party wins£®
13.8 If opponent is injured due toa foul and told by ringside doctors upon inspection not to
continue, opponent wins£®
13.9 If opponent is injured due to a unintentional roul and told by ringside doctors upon

inspection to continue£¬he must continue or lose fight£®If he is tod by doctors he cannot

continue£¬party ahead on scorecards wins£®
Article 14 Ring
14.1 Competition Boxing ring dimensions will be 1M high£®8M square outside distance and
7.5M between ropes£®
14.2 Ring Will have four(4) ropes£¬with total height of 1.2M(4 feet) from ring canvas to top
rope£¬and with 0.3M(1 foot) height between ropes£®
14.3 Cushions will be placed aound the ring with dimensssions of 2M wide and 0.2-0.4M
Article 15 Miscellaneous
15.1 The fight will have two(2) chief referees. one(1) referee and three(3) judges£®
15.2 Each country will send four(4)referees/judges£®
15.3 Two(2) judges from each coountry will judge each bout and each country's referee will
Work alternate bouts£®
15.4 Each country will send one doctor as medical supervisor of the competition£®
15.5 The fight can only be suspended when it has to stop due to injury of the competing
athletes and when such decision£®is made by the doctors£®

Italian Emei Wushu Academy

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