(15/2/1998) Con pesante ritardo siamo venuti a conoscenza della iniziativa "Marx, il marxismo e la societa'", che ha avuto luogo a Pristina, nella Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, lo scorso novembre. Pristina e' capoluogo della regione autonoma di Kosovo e Metochia, una zona dove la popolazione e' per la maggiorparte albanese e dove sono evidenti le tracce della presenza culturale e religiosa serba sin dal Medioevo. La natura multietnica e multiculturale dell'area va salvaguardata contro i fanatismi di tutte le parti e contro i tentativi, in atto in questi stessi giorni da parte di vari potentati internazionali e mascalzoni nostrani, di gettare benzina sul fuoco per arrivare ad una ulteriore lacerante scissione nel cuore dei Balcani. -- ASSOCIATION "SCIENCE AND THE SOCIETY" OF KOSOVO AND METOHIJA NR. 12/97 dated May 6, 1997 P R I [ T I N A Telephone: 038/26-881 Dear, The association "Science and the Society" in Pri{tina plans to organize a scientific gathering on the topic "Marx, Marxism and Society" some time at the beginning of November 1997 in Pri{tina. The objective of the scientific gathering is to look at Marx's scientific doctrine through contemporary economic and social movements. Our intention is, among others, to figure out how much Marxist doctrine is actual in contemporary movements taking into consideration the low tide of socialism and attempts to revise and misuse it. Thinking highly of your scientific reputation and your contribution to the social sciences, the organizing committee for the preparation of the scientific gathering is inviting you to participate with your paper. Please send us the title of your contribution no later than June 15 of this year. The actual contribution, not to exceed 15 pages, should be in our possession by October 1, 1997. Please find enclosed the framework of the scientific gathering. It is up to you to decide how you would like to present your paper, just as long as it is within the spirit of this scientific gathering. All information can be obtained at the address: Association "Science and the Society" Vidovdanska Street, nr. 49/x 38000 Pri{tina phone: 038/26-881 Waiting to hear from you, we are, Very truly yours, For the Organizing committee President of the Association "Science and the Society" Prof. DR Branko Bo{kovic phone: 038/35-910 Prof. Dr. Muris Had`ibuli} phone: 038/41-467 THE FRAMEWORK OF THE TOPICS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC GATHERING "MARX, MARXISM AND SOCIETY" The general social and manifold crisis, the changes that have taken place and those that are taking place now, as well as the changes that the future will bring, which should be scientifically foreseen, within possible limits, impose the need for the greater engagement of intellectuals in the economic and spiritual renewal of Yugoslav society, were the main reasons for the Association "Science and Society" of Pri{tina to organize the scientific gathering "Marx, Marxism and Science". The interested authors will formulate their contributions in accordance with their perception of the actuality of these issues, and the organizer would like to draw your attention to the following issues as possible themes or suggestions: * Marx's consideration of economic crises in a bourgeois society at the stage of liberal capitalism. The contemporary economic crisis from the standpoint of production, unemployment and consumption; * Marx's consideration of the primitive accumulation of capital and contemporary accumulation and pauperization; * Marx and Marxism and proletarian internationalism, as a counter balance to the class solidarity of bourgeoisie; * Marxist-Leninist consideration of the proletarian revolution. To what extent has the national liberation struggle of Yugoslavia been proletarian, taking into consideration the participation of the working class in the struggle. Can one speak of the working class power, that is dictatorship of the proletariat, after the liberation of the country (1945); * Marxist-Leninist consideration of the agrarian issue - large and small possessions. The character of the agrarian reform and colonization (1945-46) and agricultural farming land fund (1953) from the standpoint of Marxist doctrine. Peasant work cooperatives and their collapse (causes). Property relations in Yugoslavia from the economic, social and political aspect; * The character of the first (1946) and the second (1948) nationalization from the standpoint of Marxism-Leninism; * Consideration of the Resolution of Informbureau from the standpoint of proletarian internationalism and national patriotism. Objective consideration of the text of the Resolution on the situation in Yugoslavia and consideration of its vision of the future; * Marx's consideration of self-management through critical review of Proudhon's teaching and self-management; * Planned economy from the standpoint of Marxist doctrine. The first five-year plan in Yugoslavia and withdrawal from planned economy, reflection on the simple and enlarged reproduction; * Marx's consideration of state unity and his view on federalism. Lenin's concept of state unity with the right of self-determination to secession. Acceptance of federalism as a transitional stage toward unity. The constitutional system of former Yugoslavia with a separate look at the confederal Constitution of 1974; * Marx and Lenin on the national issue. How much and how their teaching were realized in Yugoslavia from the Second session of AVNOJ (Antifascist council of national liberation of Yugoslavia - November 29, 1943) and onwards; * Marx on the fight of the working class for full employment, for social and political rights. Contemporary dulling of the class struggle by directing the working class toward national and religious conflicts; * Privatization of social goods in Yugoslav countries, in the former Soviet Union and in east European countries on their way to full restoration of capitalism. Can such a process be justified from the standpoint of productive forces and the social position of the broad masses; * Marx's and Lenin's evaluation of war conflicts, their conquistador, imperialist and defensive character. Intentions to turn war conflict into a social movement. Modern strategy of metropolas of multinational capital to succeed in dominating the world by causing national, religious and political conflicts in countries in which they establish economic exploitation and political subjugation; * Forms of contemporary struggle of metropolas of multinational capital by ignoring Marxist doctrine; * The new world economic order and Marxism; * State and social ownership in our country and in the world, advantages and disadvantages; * Marx and Engels on religion, misuse of their teachings and actual problems in the society; * Marx and Engels on permeation of positive values of bourgeois culture and its international permeation; * Marx and South-Slav nations; * Marx and contemporary medicine; * Perspective of socialism in Marx's and Lenin's works; * Marxism on science and culture; * Marxism and democratization and ethical problems of society; * Marxism and contemporary Yugoslav and European left; * Do we still have, even today, a closed, noncritical attitude toward Marx's doctrine? * What is the real relationship of science, politics and economics in Marx's doctrine, how it was and how it is established here now? * Is it true even today, in both cases, that those who know least or almost nothing about Marxist doctrine talk about it the most? * Does Marx's considerations of education represent an essential function of social-economic life and criticism of bourgeois school and education as turning point in pedagogy? * Discussing the education of the future, Marx had in mind the essence, objectives, tasks, content and factors of education, so it is necessary to look closely at Marxist pedagogy in Yugoslavia and in other countries; * Marx, Engels, Lenin and other Marxists' concept of education, universality as an objective of education, unity of work and education, compulsory and free education and so on; * Critical analysis of the theory and practice of Yugoslav Marxist pedagogy of the self-managing society - between the vision and reality, proclamations and achievements - openness toward the future; * Contemporary Marxists' views on patriotism; * Marxists' conception of freedom of a person as the greatest value. Pri{tina, May 6, 1997 Organization committee