che eri "solo" un coniglio, non un cane o un gatto...
ma eri tu che correvi nell'ingresso quando io tornavo
a casa facendo le tue fusa,
che grattavi alla porta della mia stanza per dirmi "esci
che voglio giocare",
che ti sedevi sotto al tavolo vicino ai miei piedi...
Ti ho sepolto in pineta. Ti tiene compagnia il tuo pupazzo
preferito, quello giallo,
che mi portavi in bocca per farmi un regalo, e le tue
caramelline preferite.
Arrivedederci, piccolo, silenzioso, dolce Amico.
said you were just a rabbit, not a dog, not a cat...
but it was you that always came to meet me in the hall,
purring, when I was back from work...
It was you that used to scratch my bedroom door to say
"Come, I want to play with you!"...
It was you that used to sit near my feet under the table...
I've buried you in the wood. You've got your favourite
soft toy to keep you company,
the yellow one, the one that you always used to bring
to me like an offer.
You've got your favourite treats, the yoghurt candies.
See you later, my little, quiet, sweet Friend.