Yann Kayak


Il Baidarka , pag. 1 di 10

Yann Leroux ha trovato su questo sito il disegno del baidarka che ho progettato e costruito. Mi ha scritto il 10/10/06, il 18/10/06 gli ho spedito per posta alcuni fogli con utili informazioni. Il 09/08/07 mi ha spedito le fotografie, le sue risposte alle mie domande e i suoi commenti, che riporto fedelmente.

Yann: Hello,
I would like to make the same Baidarka as you have made. Your's is beautiful.

Renzo: BRAVO! and congratulations, your baidarka is really beautiful.
Yann: Your help was good for me.
R. It seems to me you have increased a little the dimentions of the frame elements. Is it true?
Y: My Baydarka is 10% bigger than the drawing, but all the wood pieces are in the same dimentions than the drawing, they are just bigger.
R: The naked frame of my baidarka weights 14.3 Kg.
Y: My wood is a good one, strong but too heavy. It is Russian Melize. The frame is 20 Kg.
R: What kind of cloth have you used as skin?
Y: It is cotton 550 g/m2.
R: It seem you installed 3 girts instead of 4 in each side. Am I right?
Y: Yes it is.

Y: The tests are very good. Many peoples want to have details and all the kayakmen want to try she. One of them was from the French team of kayak (marathon). He tested she at 11 Km./h.
More wind and more waves there are, better the baidarka is. Always stable, never versatile, easy to go strait in every direction. The rollings are easy also, it is just difficult to turn around a boat or something.

Yann ha restaurato una vecchia canoa ed ha anche costruito utilizzando il compensato marino, un kayak a tre posti.

Le foto, nelle pagine seguenti, testimoniano in modo inequivocabile le capacità di Yann.


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