Azienda vitivinicola piemontese D.O.C.G.

50 ettari di vigneti.


Export 90% del prodotto.

The histrory of Gattinara

Due to ideal growing condicions in the Gattinara hills, vineyards have been the cornestone of the local economy for many centuries. Today, Gattinara wines are recognized and critically acclaimed the world over.
The history of Gattinara goes as far back as the days of the Roman era of Augustus, who is said to be responsible for planting rhe first vines there.
Many documents, both medieval and more recent, show how vine-yards were respected.



Damage to the vineyards was punishable by law, as was commercialization of the vineyards during unauthorized periods. The most important archeological building in this area is the ancient stone tower which dates as far back as the year 1,000. In those days and throughout the centuries its main purpose was controlling the vineyards.




Today, it is almost intact and dominates the town. Gattinara's greatest ambassador was Cardinal Mercurino Arborio, a native of the area who, when he became chasncellor to Hapsburg King Charles V, introduced Gattinara wines to the table of many European Courts, thus ensuring its international renown.



In 1967, Gattinara was awarded the D.O.C., which requires that the standards of quality must meet those set by the Italian governement. The wine must contain at least 90% Nebbiolo grapes and must be aged in oak for a minimum of two years. D.O.C. designation requires a maximum of 63 hectoliters per hectare; D.O.C.G. requires a maximum of 50 hectoliters per hectare yield. In 1991 the D.O.C.G. was awarted to Gattinara recognizing it as the region with the lowest yeld in Italy.


The climate


Gattinara is situated in an area whose wines are described as "fruity", much appreciated for their delicacy. The Alps to the north protect th vineyards from the cold north winds. Compared to nearby plains, Gattinara enjoys mild-to-cool climate typical of the Piedmont region. Fog is rare, but Gattinara receives an even distribution of rain in both the springs and autumn. Sunshine is well over the minimum necessary for developing full flavored fruit.

Compositon and characteristics of the soil

The Gattinara hills are the result of glacial deposits. Thry go back nearly 150 million years, when the melting of Alpine glaciers caused a slide, creating hills which measure from 280 to 420 meters high. The composition of these hills consist primarily of granite, parphyrie, quartz, feldspar, tourmaline, as well as many from ores, giving the soil its characteristic reddish color. Analysis has shown only traces of calcium and magnesium carbonate. With the absence of calcium, and acid reactions occurs, adding an unusual characteristic to the vineyard soil. It is this same characteristic that makes Gattinara's wine a unique wine, rich in hidden harmonies released with extraordinary discretion and balance.

for information / Per info dove assaggiare gratis il vino:

Casella Postale 34
28013 - Gattico (NO)


Tel. 333-6040108 – Solo S.M.S.

Un bellissimo Hotel Sul Lago Maggiore.



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