An Event for the Sleepy Non-Believers of Carpenedo
(More Church Bell related pieces below)


get ready every church bell in town

1. 1. at the same time (exactly) and on a given signal - ring each bell only once

2. 2. from a given starting point and from a given time, ring each bell once in a predetermined order.

a) a) as soon as each performer hears the previous bell ring
b) b) as soon as each performer stops hearing the previous bell

3. 3. dampen church bells so that they do not resonate

4. 4. prepare church bells. attach large bags of flour to the hammers (clappers)

5. 5. prepare church bells with gelignite

6. 6. amplify church bells beyond belief!

7. 7. amplify the sound of church bells swinging to the point where the sound of them swinging is louder than that of them ringing.