
Ennesima nuova versione di Nero Bourning Rom, ad ogni release si aggiungono nuove funzioni e si correggono sempre più bug. Da notare che in questa ultima versione è possibile far funzionare Nero anche su linux!!!Inoltre è possibile acquistare la versione Enterprise Edition, che possiede alcune funzioni in più. Per saperne di più visita il sito

Release Hystory:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the bug which produced incompatible Video-DVDs not playable on some DVD-players
  • Fixed an Audio CD problem which occurred with few recorders
  • Fixed recorder speed display problem with some recorders
  • Disabled CD-Text language combo box when no CD-Text is available for compilation type
  • Fixed a problem which could occur in some cases with the UDF/ISO9660 bridge file system
  • The correct language help files are called for all countries which use the same language
  • Fixed problem when changing from Nero Express to Nero with enabled Nero Wizard
  • Nero Express: Fixed a small problem on the string box disc name in Nero Express and Windows XP
  • Added several new recorders
  • Nero Fast CD-Burning Plug-in for Windows Media PlayerTM 9 included
  • Improved context sensitive help-header
  • Nero Express window resizing enabled