Folding@Home 4.00 PreBeta 1

Dopo quasi un anno di assoluto silenzio per quanto riguarda lo svilupo di un nuovo client, ecco la nuovissima versione 4.0. E' ancora in uno stato molto precoce, diciamo una via di mezzo tra un'Alpha release e una Beta release; difatti è stata nominata 4.00 PreBeta 1.
I cambiamenti effettuati sono molti, e molti verranno apportati, piano piano, perchè il lavoro è lungo e il tempo è quello che è.
Ecco il changelog:

Changes in [F@h Client v. 4.00]
- Configurable minimum checkpointing frequency (3-30 minutes). (In GUI, controlled
with a slider.)*
- If client run with verbosity of at least 5, FahCore_78 will print out a
message whenever a timered checkpoint occurs.*
- -configonly flag added to configure then exit.
- -oneunit flag added to exit after completing one unit.
- -forceSSE flag added. Returns -forceasm to its former meaning of forcing
assembly generally, and takes on the function of forcing SSE specifically.*
- Warnings printed if -forceasm/-forceSSE flags given.
- Benchmarking not done except at start of normal operation (for example,
not if only configuring, listing queue, deleting unit, etc.).
- Warning if attempt to run client with Machine ID of already running client (catches
most common cases, including if running same client twice)
- Web site printed updated.
- Upon finishing a unit, if fails to return the result but succeeds in
getting new work, immediately tries sending all results again.
- Checks user name and team number for legality of use in statistics. (In
GUI, gives popup error).
- Queue info properly outputted to FAHlog.txt.
- "Ask before connecting" change on Linux -- ignores typeahead and asks for "C"
- Proxy password written out in binary (upon reconfiguration)
- Assignment/work server request authentication
- Send all message altered ("sent x of y" if x not 0, or "no units...")
- CPU usage default of 100 printed out during Configuration.
- Tags in MyFolding page changed to better adhere to HTML standard
- Maximum machine IDs raised to 8.
- Upload and download bandwidths estimated to send to AS.
- If fails to post data, includes server and port in message. Also outputs
HTTP status code (before this was only done if I.E. settings used).
- Bug fixed where performance fraction could exceed 1.

Of interest to Genomers:
- Batch networking option for G@h (network only when less than 2 units
ready to work on or more than 5 results to return, and when network, both
get up to 10 units and send any results).
- If set G@h preference, reflected in GUI title and acknowledgment message.

Windows specific:
- Version information added to executables.

Windows GUI specific:
- Can select and display any GIF file as a logo, and set a URL for the logo to link to.
- Can add any text to displayed alongside the program title (perhaps something
related to your company or team).
- Browser support for more non-Explorer default browsers.
- Bug fixed where sometimes wrongly deleted.

* Items with an asterisk require FahCore_78.exe v. 1.53 to be functional -- certain
work servers are already forcing downloads of this core.

Anche se la velocità di elaborazione delle WU non è stata influenzata (il core non è stato toccato, dunque le prestazioni in liea di massima dovrebbero essere uguali alla versione 3.25), molti utenti, dopo aver provato questa ultima versione, hanno notato un leggero, ma costante aumento delle prestazioni.

- Download: [Folding@Home] <-- In fondo alla pagina c'è il link per i programmi in fase beta

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