Folding@Home 3.24

Dopo un periodo di beta testing ecco a voi la versione finale di Folding@Home. Veramente moltissime le novità presenti in questa versione; vediamo quali:

Folding@Home 3.24

  • Benchmarking improved in consistency and uniformity.
  • Support for sending a measure to the assignment server of time taken on past
    work units (a weighted average), to use as a predictor of how large a work unit
    can be handled. Can view this measure using verbosity 4 after finished units,
    but AS not using yet.
  • If bad arguments given, will exit only after a key press.
  • If upon startup, FAHlog.txt exceeds 50Kb and a is to be started, the old
    one is retained under the name FAHlog-Prev.txt.
  • Deadline information included with work (Printed to unitinfo.txt and
    available in queueinfo). Active units checked for expiration periodically
    all others checked for expiration at autosend time. Configuration option
    of ignoring deadline information (to use if system clock is bad -- not just
    telling incorrect absolute time, but having an incorrect conception of
    what one second is, for instance) if so desired.
  • MyFolding.html page written out by client with useful links (which Linux and
    Win. console users did not have easy access to before)
  • In making request to server for work, inform on whether have units done
    waiting to be uploaded to server. If so, servers running new code will
    give a new unit instead of giving same (servers will shift over as projects
    come up).
  • If a work unit is rejected for any reason, server now returns reason
    to client, which prints it out. (In this client, and servers will transition
    to the new code as projects come online.) If work unit is fatally flawed,
    then deleted from queue.
  • "Could not transmit unit" statement now also includes date unit was
    completed ("Could not transmit unit x (Completed xxxx)").
  • Checks for bad URL, port on reception of work unit, deleting it before
    even starting work if bad.
  • Time stamp on every line of FAHlog.
  • Arguments to client printed to log.
  • Some log messages modified (like the requested, and deserved, "Thank you"
    added!). Some further spacing changes may be desired.
  • File "unitinfo.txt" printed and updated, with information and progress
    for current work unit. (Had been requested for use by 3rd party people.)
  • Client FAHlog output overhauled to use Windows API functions. (Interested
    in hearing if you see any change in performance, particularly from those
    Win95/98 users who said log froze sometimes.) Log file is locked for
    writing by other programs while client running.
  • Networking overhaul to give a Configuration option of using whatever proxy
    settings are used by Internet Explorer.
  • If choose "Ask before networking" in Configuration, will take effect
    even on next get work, without restart needed.
  • "Status" menu item to launch MyFolding.html.
  • "Status" menu item to view queueinfo added.
  • Bug fixed where if click off systray menu, menu did not disappear.
  • Tool tip on systray icon now gives program status (including work
    progress if currently working)
  • When move mouse over hyperlink portions of display, mouse icon becomes a
  • Bug fixed where if move display, then the links at the bottom of the
    display (ticker tape ones) did not always work.
  • Menu item ("Status") added to give easy access to Team Stats page, User
    Stats page, and Logfile.

Per saperne di più visita la home page di Folding@Home