
CloneCD ha avuto una brillante vita per diversi anni. Poi, a causa di leggi sul copyright subentrate in europa, la casa produttrice Elby ha deciso di non sviluppare più il programma e concentrarsi solo su CloneDVD. A circa un anno di distanza dall'ultima versione rilasciata, una software house residente in Antigua (dove CloneCD non viola alcun copyright) ha rilevato CloneCD e ha continuato il suo sviluppo. Circa 1 mese fa la prima release ufficiale. Questa nuova versione apporta queste modifiche e miglioramenti:

CloneCD (Slysoft)
- The "free update period" for Elaborate Bytes customers was a little tight, we are sorry about that!
- Extended free updated period for Elaborate Bytes customers
- Fixed HelpLauncher.exe to display english texts, if language is not available
- Updated Czech and Finnish languages

CloneCD (Slysoft)
- New: CloneCD found a new home at SlySoft
- New: Can now emulate SafeDisc 2.9 weak sectors!
- New: Improved weak sector emulation!
- New: Shiny Look under Windows XP
- New: "Hide CDR Media" no longer needs to be disabled while using CloneCD
- New: added support for more CD-Writers
- New: New Online Keys
- New: Added RegCloneCD.exe for new keycodes
- Removed "Virtual CloneDrive" from Distribution, will be a separate download (or you can just use Daemon Tools)
- Removed ControlElbyCDIO from distribution
- Removed ElbyCrypt.dll
- Removed ElbyCheck.exe
- Removed support of CloneCD 2.x keycodes
- Removed "Send E-Mail about a Device" function
- Removed Microsoft HTML-Help
- Removed input window for old keycodes
- Fix: CloneCD Tray no longer interferes with Windows XP Task Bar
- Fix: Hanging context help
- Important Fix: ElbyCDIO reworked, many bugs fixed
- Important Fix: Fixed problems with VIA IDE Busmaster drivers

Speriamo che CloneCD recuperi in breve tempo la strada che ha perso in questo lungo anno.

- Home Page: [CloneCD]

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