Abbiamo tre modi per vedere il problema:
truffa pari ai tre quarti (3/4) della ricchezza prodotta dal pianeta o secondo il prof. Auriti al 270 % per ogni 100% di moneta spendibile: PERTANTO abbiamo ISTIGAZIONE AL SUICIDIO e DEVITALIZZAZIONE dei POPOLI (genocidio nei paesi del terzo mondo).
il signoraggio realizza di riflesso due categorie di esseri umani: il SUDDITO e lo SCHIAVO. Ogni militare ha il dovere per il giuramento sacro alla Repubblica e alla Democrazia, di compiere un colpo di Stato a mano armata, per liberare il popolo che ha perso e addirittura in maniera occulta l'80% della propria sovranità reale, rappresentata proprio dalla sovranità monetaria, ceduta gratuitamente a degli strozzini ebrei o tipografi extra-comunitari. (N.B. La sciocchezza del golpe armato è proprio l'errore che si aspettano faccia qualcuno, scorrerebbe solo sangue innocente, peggiorando la situazione).
Poiché la ricchezza accumulata da pochissimi (40 famiglie), attraverso molti prestanome, non è godibile o spendibile neanche in 1000 vite, ecco che si cerca il potere assoluto o spirituale, camuffato con abile regia sotto la dizione di "New World Order". Viene semplicemente affermato il progetto ideologico della Torre di Babele (graficamente rappresentato dall'occhio onniveggente (controllo globale) sulla piramide del dollaro americano) e della religione demonica babilonese con annessi e connessi sacrifici umani in onore di Satana, che attualmente sono stimati in 200.000 vittime all'anno.
Essi, fanno quella morte terribile che io auguro ai vostri figli, se distogliete di impegnarvi in questi argomenti.
Voi, a torto, vi ritenete protetti dal vostro egoismo e vi ritenete disimpegnati o non responsabili di tutte le atrocità che si commettono nel mondo. Ma il vostro silenzio e il vostro disimpegno vi rende complici.
Ora, ho sottomesso mezzo genere umano a maledizione e per i più disparati motivi, iniziando da tutti quelli che sono in qualche forma di autorità religiosa, istituzionale, politica o amministrativa, ecc...
Pertanto, in conseguenza di ciò, terribili afflizioni fisiche, morali, psichiche e spirituali si stanno già abbattendo su parte del genere umano, queste patologie e afflizioni sono così nuove solo per la loro aggressività e per la loro configurazione collettiva o sociale, infatti, non vi può essere di ciò una memoria storica di massa.
Lo stesso Signore Gesù, viene a mitigare in favore di alcuni, di cui già conosce la conversione finale, dolendosi dello scempio che sto facendo delle sue creature.
Uscire da questo maleficio?
Non vi potrà aiutare nessuno!
Dovete solo studiare il mio DVD: “Sovranità Monetaria Metafisica” e nel fare questo – semplicemente – vi sentirete alleggeriti anche da personali e regresse patologie.
Ora, del tutto inopportunamente,
ma non illegalmente, risiedono in me due cariche istituzionali:
1- Coordinatore e presidente nazionale del movimento di comunicazione sociale e mondiale della truffa da signoraggio bancario.
2- Presidente Mondiale e responsabile universale di tutto il genere umano per la concordia tra i popoli, nella metafisica umanistica e personalistica (ammesso che, non vi vogliate accontentare dell'anticristo che hanno pensato di imporvi quelli del New World Order e che poi sono gli stessi ideatori (finanziatori occulti) del relativismo o pensiero debole).
Pertanto, desidero quanto prima rientrare nel mio ruolo di annunciatore del Vangelo e di cedere tali prerogative politiche e istituzionali (non cariche elettive), a persone che ne risulteranno degne dopo averle messe alla prova teorica e pratica.
La mia organizzazione non è istituzionale, ne formale, ma ideologica, culturale e spirituale, ovvero è iniziato il movimento della metafisica laica per la proprietà popolare della moneta o per la sovranità monetaria, ovvero dell'etica universale sui principi nobili, universali e trascendenti di:
1. non mentire (verità);
2. non fare ad altri il male che non vuoi ricevere per te (giustizia).
Ho diviso gli uomini in quattro categorie:
1- Gli schiavi, assolutamente abbrutiti e deprivati dal sistema bancario e non, al punto che non sono più capaci di intendere e di volere ... sono così disgraziati e mi fanno una tale pena, che non voglio inveire su di loro(giudizio sospeso), rappresentano quella metà del genere umano che per pietà non ho avuto il coraggio di maledire.
2- I vili, egoisti, luridi borghesi, collaborazionisti del signoraggio, appartenenti ad ogni istituzione, fogna della storia e ricettacolo di ogni immoralità, empietà e ipocrisia, essi sono condannati, sono stati posti fin d'ora ad un passo dall'inferno (se volete condannare qualcuno è sufficiente fargli pervenire il presente DVD). All'inizio faranno finta di stare bene, ma poi incominceranno a morire come mosche e passeranno da una disgrazia all'altra. Se mi ammazzano? Allora, questa maledizione sarà definitiva, poiché solo io che ho il potere di applicarla ho al contempo il potere di toglierla.
3- I miei collaboratori, che a motivo di timore istituzionale e personale, devono operare con discrezione e riservatezza per gli ideali della sovranità monetaria e lavorano nel sommerso (richiedete e diffondete la seconda edizione del DVD: “Sovranità Monetaria Metafisica” già pronta e disponibile per il mese di ottobre 2008 – cell:. Ore serali 3205708054).
4- I titani, coloro che hanno il cuore da leone, che sono pronti a soffrire e a pagare di persona per il bene del genere umano, ai miei fratelli dico: “fatevi avanti e accreditatevi pubblicamente, poiché non è richiesta alcuna credenza religiosa o allineamento partitico.
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The Dung Of the Devil
We have the three opportunities to see the problem:
fraud equal to the three quarters 3/4 of the wealth produced from the planet or according to the prof. Auriti to 270% for every 100% of spendable coin: Insofar Instigation Á. the Suicide and DEVITALIZZAZIONE of the People (genocide in the countries of the third world).
the seignorage realizes of reflex two categories of human beings: the Subject and the Slave. Every soldier has the duty for the sacred oath to the Republic and the Democracy, to complete by hand a coup d'état army, to free the people that has lost and even in hidden way him 80% of his own real sovereignty, represented really from the monetary sovereignty, free surrendered to of the Jewish usurers or extra-community typographers. (N.B. You foolishness of the armed smut is really the error that face is waited for someone, scorrebbe alone innocent blood, worsening the situation).
Since the wealth accumulated from little (40 families) through many dummy, it is not godibile or spendable even in 1000 lives, here that absolute or spiritual power is sought, camufatto with skilled regal under the diction of "New World Order".
The ideological project of the Tower in Babel is affirmed (graphically simply represented by the eye onniveggente (global control) on the pyramid of the American dollar) and of the religion demonic Babylonians with attached and connected human sacrifices in honor of Satan, they currently are esteemed in 200.000 victims a year.
They, makes that terrible death that I wish your children, if you dissuade to hock you in these matters.
You, to blame, you hold you protected from your egoism and you hold you disengaged or not responsible of all the atrocities that commit him in the world.
I have now subdued half human kind to curse for the most disparate motives, beginning from all those that are in some form of spiritual authority, institutional, politics or administrative, etc...
Insofar, in consequence of this, terrible physical, moral, psychic and spiritual afflictions he is already demolishing on part of the human kind, these pathologies and afflictions I am so new solo for their collective or social configuration, in fact, historical memory of mass cannot be you.
The same Lord Jesus, comes to mitigate for some, of which you already knows the final conversion aching himself of the fool that I am making of his creatures.
Now, entirely inappropriately, but illegally they reside not in me two institutional positions,:
1 - coordinator and national president of the movement of social and world revelation of the banking seignorage fraud.
2 - universal World and responsible president of the whole human kind for the harmony among the people in the humanistic metaphysics and personalistica (admitted that, doesn't take to be satisfied you with the antichrist that they have thought about imposing you those of the New World Order and that then I am the same inventors of the relativismo or weak thought).
Insofar I burn from the desire to reenter in my role of announcer of the Gospel, and to surrender such political and institutional prerogatives (not elective positions), to people that they will result after having put her to the theoretical test and practice worthy of it.
Dear Danilo,
you have to know that as laboratory of departure, with the purpose to experiment the concreteness of his theories, the teacher dott. Giacinto Auriti, has chosen his country, Guardiagrele, 15000 souls to the feet of an imposing thick rocky really in the heart of the Abbruzzo. The experiment was a success! They were printed the SIMEC that multiplied the wealth, that is the volume of exchange of good and services for well 10 times the printed money order's worth.
I make you listen to an extract of his interview:
D: "Prof. Auriti the Watch of Department of Internal Revenue has seized the simec from you put circulating. Because?
R: Because there is a provision of the Proxy of the Republic that has ordered the sequestration of the simec, and they have brought as justification the violation of the banking norms, that they are ridiculous norms, an unfounded provision absolutely because we have shown that it is induced value and not credit value. We have practiced a right as Bruno Tarquini he has said, Attorney General of Cassation writing his relationship on the subject to a congress held him to the university.
The title is this: "The simec: constitutional and legislative legitimated of the juridical induction."
Then can be done!
D: That motivation they will give to the operation of sequestration?
R: This is a preventive sequestration, because there is not a charge of crime. They will have to show that we in the full respect from the article 42 of the Constitution and the Italian laws have committed some crime. It would be really absurd all of this. Also because we have done all to the light of the sun.
D: what happens to Guardiagrele now?
R: And as if they had thrown us the blood. The money on the market is as the blood. This sudden block of our money is a serious fact, my fellow citizens, the dealers, will be found soon on the edge of the failure, therefore from the heaven in the hell are fallen for the provision of a judge that, so doing, it is of done killing a country. A country that (with my experiment) you had called small Switzerland, that was reborn because all enthusiastic ones of the initiative. he is Now fallen in the impossible to pay, because if you have the coin and they remove from you her and as if they removed the blood from the market. I am indignant for this.
D: he doesn't believe that all of this has some positive lapels, this is a greater legitimation and attendibilità for his project?
R: Certain. However we will answer us him for the rhymes, because we am right to sell. We have had a judge that is not informed on the juridical value of the Simec.
D: After years of theory and study you had succeeded to a project to make operational that the same mayor of Guardiagrele had defined him a Copernican Revolution. There to be on his behalf a new attempt?
R: This is a revolution that doesn't stop him more for a very simple reason: because it is true. And then because it is both scientifically incontestable that shown on the field of Guardiagrele. The coin has to be not of propriety of the people of the bank, today the bank sends forth the coin lending it to the citizens; as to lend is a prerogative of the owner, it appropriates the money order's worth created by the citizens, therefore it has to accredit; and then this principle is so strong it is so valid that nobody can contest it. It seems utopia but it is not utopia. On the scientific plan the utopia doesn't exist. If you/they had told you one century ago what he went on the moon you would have taken him for crazy. The same thing the principle of the popular propriety of the coin. Therefore, we from this point of view am calm, old this phase of the sequestration, that we merely consider a marginal episode in comparison to the logic of the school before that we am bringing on the plan of the coin. Overcome Be this, he will affirm all over the world because people will prefer to be owners rather than debt of their money. Today, all the people are poor because they have a debt equal to everything of their money, because to the action of the issue the central bank sends forth only coin lending it, while you should be accrediting it and not to debit. Here, this is what we sustain.
D: The commune of Guadiagrele has been made famous thanks to You for this motive, even if has not the administration taken part to the initiative. The communes of Italy can enter the worth of a "autonomous coinage?"
R: Eccome! We have conventionally written him/it on the coin simec or rather Symbol approved Econometrico in the connected and linkable communes to norm of the law that it connects the communes for social purposes. Not only we have also told him in the scripturally, he waits for on the simec, we have affirmed that this is issued in realization of the second paragraph of the article 42 of the constitution that enacts the access to the propriety for everybody. Then it is the constitution that says to create a right of the person with contained property, and the property content we create him/it to us with the simec, therefore we don't give as contained economic consumer good or good programmed by the vertexes political economic as in the socialist countries, but we give the money to the citizens to buy them, so that the citizen when it spends it chooses the good that he/she wants to consume. Here is the principle of the popular ownership of the coin that is the income of citizen. And this also means to respect the lines of the social doctrine of the church; for instance her "Renum Novarum" it essentially founds him on two words: all owners. And we do us him with the simec because they have become local coin, therefore they have induced value, and then diamo (free) to every city the money to buy what wants.
D: This way pits, the monetary project from You conceived he is destined to not only stretch himself/herself/themselves to stain of oil in Italy but in Europe?
R: In fact! Also in America they speak of it. An American journalistic agency has phoned me, because also they wants to be owners of the dollars that I today belong to the Federal Reserve Bank (what it claimed the life of Kennedy that stamped dollars in name of the people and exempted by seignorage, money that was immediately forfeited after its death), as the people English will want the ownership of the Pound (had been poisoning of seignorage for 200 years), that belongs today to the Bank of England until to arrive to an universal principle: every people owner of his coin, to answer so to the globalization.
D: As he explains it to the Stock companies that beat coin?
R: this is the same language that one can have with the dog that doesn't want to release the bone. they Have without having its right the propriety of the coin that they have usurped with the advent of the constitutional State. The most serious thing that has happened with the French revolution has been really the nominal coin and the Bank of France, that you has been the illness that has invaded then the whole world, because they have removed the monetary sovereignty to the political power, to give it to the vertex of the tall loggias that us well we know.
And then, in this situation we want to contrast the propriety of people to the propriety of bank. That's why all the people are with us; we do us him an elementary question:
do you want to be owners or debt of your money?
To the action of the issue the bank of Italy stamps and it lends while it is having to stamp and to accredit.
When it stamps and it lends it loads the cost of the money of the 200 percent, therefore ago usury.
D: As you have defined him this project?
R: we have called it "Integral Democracy" because the word democracy means sovereignty the people.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Not as soon as the present DVD (the version of the 120 CD -700Mb - it legally is not fit to the diffusion) it free comes in the hands of whoever, he activates a corridor of responsibility that cannot be interrupted anymore.
On my honor I declare that:
1 - who will spread and it will sacrifice him for the diffusion from the present work it will be blessed in all the spheres of his - her life,
2 - who will neglect her/it or it won't spread her/it it will attract him many evil, since the Ira of God will impend on him,
3 - the present moment is so dramatic because you is hidden by a criminal form of New World Order, brought ahead to hits of provisions and decrees and to total unawareness of the people, as it is true that you are unaware of thing it is the banking Seignorage.
If know what is really the banking seignorage and share him/it, expected to what deserves yourself!
If don't know what the banking seignorage is the moment has arrived to frighten you really!
Are become responsible of the future of the whole human kind!
And this future of the human kind, you can save and with it to save you, simply:
To - assiduously studying and applying you to the present work that he is thought for blessing you and to instruct you,
b - free spreading this work or recovering the expenses of the support in the number tallest possible.
c - of every action that the S.V. as city patriot it will undertake to undertake on the contained presents the prof. Scarola Lorenzo takes on the moral responsibility and hocks him to a political guardianship, and to protect with all the means that will be to his/her disposition and in line with his/her resources all the precious patriots that owed to personal title but possibly associative to compete to the obiettivo of the contained presents.
I will maintain faith to this appointment - I promise him/it to you - not only in the hypothesis that is biologically alive in this world, but still more when my biological life will come to miss.
Now, me for the metaphysical ideal and above all for the popular ownership of the coin, I continually cohabit with the possibility to be killed, that if it is a lot more than a rational forecast, nevertheless it won't be.
But if the were, this would increase enormously both my political incidence, and my office of evangelization that begins in "power" really with the forwarding of the present DVD:
"Encyclopedia of the to Know Metaphysical, for the popular ownership of the coin"
Whoever, to any title will want to cover with mud my dignity of child of God or he will want to oppose in "bad faith" (to any title) the present intellectual job, will immediately be struck by the Ira of God that I have prophesied on whoever it did this up to the end of the world.
The present job in this moment has become patrimony of the humanity, it doesn't belong me more if not morally, who receives him therefore it becomes responsible of it and it will owe inevitableness to answer of it.
The present job has been thought of such way that I even cross my explicit voltà can be more retired.
If opposed, it owes circular covertly, since drawn aside himself of a matter of life or death of the whole human kind.
Until the Lord it will give me life, to October of every year it will go out an up-to-date edition.
The actual edition is that of October 2008
For cultural integrations and to sharpen and to improve the next edition communicated your objectives to:
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Hi I am a 17 year-old girl and I appreciate what you are doing.
I am Christian, and I have come to knowledge of the freemasonry, and of the new world order last year,
looking for information on the subliminal messages that had quoted for the first time my teacher of music.
I was curious indeed because I had never felt to speak of it,
this way I looked for the subliminal messages on the web and it discovered things that I would not distantly have imagined even never.
I don't believe in what is told me, but in front of all those tests I was not able whether to convince me that they exist indeed.
I was irritated indeed and not only offended because you were exploiting one of my greatest passions, the music,
but above all because the messages in matter were blasphemous and morally debatable and their principal objective was that to influence me.
When then I knew about the freemasonry, of the seignorage, of the illuminated ones...
I wondered me in what kind of world I was living.
I knew very well before that the world was not of certain 'roses and flowers',
but I thought it was composed in equitable part from well and badly, and I had trust in the institutions.
Now I not only know that the politics is a whole buffoonery,
what are surrounded by messages that they offend me and that in which I believe,
but the thing that more it upsets me it is that the terrestrial power held from of the satanistis with some so perverse and cruel goals that in comparison,
the world that I held first was a fable.
I know it that at the end they will pay it for what they are doing and that they have intention to do,
but I wanted only to express my opinion to respect to everything this since it is rare to have its occasion.
I have talked of this to my parents, also them Christians
(even if to their way, since my mother doesn't believe in the devil, and my father doesn't believe in the hell, even if I have tried to convince them of the contrary one)
and both, even my dad that is police officer ignored this whole history on the freemasonry and of the mental manipulation through the subliminal messages.
They doesn't see of good eye the fact that I speak of these things because they think that later returns me paranoiac,
but perhaps also because more than so much they don't believe indeed it.
I wanted you he asks if you know of precise when or as they will impose the mark of the antichrist to the people...
to every way I am ready to refuse him/it at the cost of my same life,
if I had to live enough to be witness of their ascent.
I hope not to have annoyed you.
I see in you one pupil of mine,
one sister of mine in Christ,
I believe that your parents are right,
because the reality we say, alone eufemisticamente repugnant,
of this world is too much heavy to be been able to be borne by your juvenile conscience.
But unfortunately this is the reality of your future with which you have to measure you and it would be a suicide to remove it as they do the "great."
In fact, still heavier to sustain it is this reality, for the conscience of an adult, since not having your juvenile purity, they are forced to operate a process of removal and negation of everything that that terrorizes them in reality and that they don't succeed in managing.
It is really on this psychological mechanism that you/they count our enemies to become themselves invisible.
The horror, that primarily belongs to the American satanic institution and that secondarily it belongs to the European states that are victims of the banking seignorage and the freemasonry that impose the affairs of the tecno finances.
All of this represents a mortgage, without some possibility of breath that the whole west oppresses, if it is true as it is true, that thousand of men don't succeed to have a public visibility to communicate the fraud of the seignorage.
This whole reality if on one side it is very uncomfortable and compromettente deve from the other one is so ignoble in the reality of the satanism that the everything must have removed in the turn of 12 hours from the conscience of the adults, punishment his/her own psychological equilibrium.
But so where we are going?
The adults, are internally very deprived then, also to motive for the many compromises that have had to do,
they have lost that life spiritual that is absolutely essential to face and to understand the matter.
You, this is absolutely an excessive weight for their consciences spiritually impoverished!
Don't be correct, nevertheless that the weight of this disgust falls on young consciences as you!
Even if they are the only consciences to motive for the purity of the mind to be able to sustain the reality and to be able to complete a search document her!
But you young people you have the duty and the right to know and above all to protect Your future.
The adults are not able to do him/it for you anymore!
How sister in Christ, can declare that this whole disgust has the counted hours!
And for a solo motive:
with my faith I have said simpliciter "enough! "
You, God can do raises on my faith!
Doesn't it have in past through the faith of a changed man only always and does give a turn to the situations?
The Christian hope is not fatuous since it leans him on the faith in the omnipotence of the God of:
Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moues, and of Jesus Christ.
Of the God of me, of you and of so many others that uniting himself/herself/itself to us will save their lives from the destruction.
You/he/she is not written that:
"God has also set a limit to the pride of the sea?"
Insofar, God has decreed a limit to the pride of every empire however,
as you has also set him to that of the illuminated ones.
The Roman empire has lasted more than 2000 years,
while they is lasting alone 500 years,
but as I have told you they have the counted hours!.
Them however when they die they disappear in the darkness with the demons,
while we, give birth of God are eternal in the glory and in the divinizzazione!
I submit you to the comforting reading of the Word of God.
This will give you the joy of a Presence and the grace of the divine benevolence!
Together to every other good for the peace and the joy of your heart,
only so you will be serene and not diventerai "paranoiac."
If you will have the faith not to look at the Bible as a book,
you will have great satisfactions and your life it will be full of successes.
In fact, this deserves the purity of your heart!
What you can do is to invite adults and companions to visit my site.
As have answered to you I will answer to them!
I bless you in the ineffable name of Jesus of Bethlehem
your in Christ
Lawrence Scarola
I wait for a to your answer, conscience that every positive action that we do on this front take, we do something that counts.
Kindest regards from Rocco Carbone
Name to call me with skype "moalpo" collaborator of the site
and of his portal
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Symbol - (to decide)
Name of the site, example
Dear Rocco, even if our jail is a jail of paper is always a deadly jail!
You, dear Rocco, cares in trap with some paper!
"Without monetary sovereignty, you cannot exist popular sovereignty or democracy."
To of the typographers of fact above the national or international law,
we have transferred our constitutional rights of seigniorage.
Justly, now, from city have become subjects!
I have now subdued half human kind to curse for the most disparate motives, beginning from all those that are in some form of spiritual authority, institutional, politics or administrative, etc...
Insofar, in consequence of this, terrible physical, moral, psychic and spiritual afflictions he is already demolishing on part of the human kind, these pathologies and afflictions I am so new solo for their collective or social configuration, in fact, historical memory of mass cannot be you.
The same Lord Jesus, comes to mitigate for some, of which you/he/she already knows the final conversion aching himself/herself/itself of the fool that I am making of his/her creatures.
Now, entirely inappropriately, but illegally they reside not in me two institutional positions,:
1 - coordinator and national president of the movement of social and world communication of the banking seignorage fraud.
2 - universal World and responsible president of the whole human kind for the harmony among the people, in the humanistic metaphysics and personalistica (admitted that, doesn't take to be satisfied you with the antichrist that you/they have thought about imposing you those of the New World Order and that then I am the same inventors of the relativismo or weak thought).
Insofar I burn from the desire to reenter in my role of announcer of the Gospel, and to surrender such political and institutional prerogatives (not elective positions), to people that they will result after having put her to the theoretical test and practice worthy of it.
My organization is not institutional, of it formal, but ideological, cultural and spiritual, or the movement of the secular metaphysics is initiated for the popular ownership of the coin or for the monetary sovereignty, or of the universal ethics on the noble, universal and transcendent principles of:
1. not to lie (truth);
2. not to do to others the evil that is not wanted to receive for if (justice)
I have divided the men in four categories:
1 - the slaves, absolutely made ugly and deprived from the banking system and not, to the point that I/you/they are not able anymore to intend and to want... they are so unfortunate and they do me such a punishment, that I don't want to inveigh on them (suspended judgment), they represent that half the human kind that I have not dared curse for pity.
2 - the cowards, selfish, filthy bourgeoises, collaborationists of the seignorage, belonging to every institution, sewer of the history and receptacle of every immorality, impiety and hypocrisy, they is convicts, I/you/they have been set since to a footstep by the hell.
3 - my collaborators, that to motive for institutional and personal fear, they have to operate with discretion and reservation for the ideal of the monetary sovereignty and they work in the submerged one (you require and you spread the second edition of the DVD: “Sovereignty Monetary Metaphysics” already ready and available for the month of October 2008-cell:. evening Times 3205708054).
4 - the titaniums, those people who have the lion heart, that I/you/they are ready to suffer and to pay of person for the good of the human kind, to my brothers I say: “do before and publicly accredited you, since some religious belief or alignment it is not in demand partitico (political).
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Ezechiele cap 33 --- La sentinella
[1] Mi fu rivolta questa parola del Signore:
[7] O figlio dell'uomo, io ti ho costituito sentinella per gli Israeliti; ascolterai una parola dalla mia bocca e tu li avvertirai da parte mia.
[8] Se io dico all'empio: Empio tu morirai, e tu non parli per distoglier l'empio dalla sua condotta, egli, l'empio, morirà per la sua iniquità; ma della sua morte chiederò conto a te.
[9] Ma se tu avrai ammonito l'empio della sua condotta perché si converta ed egli non si converte, egli morirà per la sua iniquità. Tu invece sarai salvo.
[10] Tu, figlio dell'uomo, annunzia agli Israeliti: Voi dite: I nostri delitti e i nostri peccati sono sopra di noi e in essi noi ci consumiamo! In che modo potremo vivere?
[11] Dì loro: Com'è vero ch'io vivo - oracolo del Signore Dio - io non godo della morte dell'empio, ma che l'empio desista dalla sua condotta e viva. Convertitevi dalla vostra condotta perversa! Perché volete perire, o Israeliti?
Immaginate se uno Stato insieme al suo Governo, un giorno dica ai suoi cittadini:
"Scusate ragazzi, se da 50 anni, vi abbiamo derubati e ingannati continuamente ferocemente e violentemente attraverso 4 truffe, infatti per ogni euro che avete in tasca, vi preleviamo 2,70 euro, e li diamo a una tipografia di extracomunitari affinché vi possano stampare le banconote."
Anche un bambino direbbe:
"e perché, le banconote che vi servono non ve le stampate da voi, invece di derubarci in questo modo violento?"
Ora, poiché non può esistere una risposta a questa domanda, risulta evidente che, di signoraggio bancario, non si deve e non si può parlare!
In questo modo hanno già deciso far crollare il sistema monetario internazionale: le BORSE, le Banche e le FINANZE di tutto il PIANETA si bloccheranno, andranno in fumo tutti i capitali!
Convertite in banconote quanto più titoli potete, sigillateli sotto vuoto e metteteli sotto il mattone in luogo asciutto, poiché l'unico vera emergenza sarà quella della liquidità!"
Io, Lorenzo Scarola, avendo nel Sangue di Gesù preso la mia posizione eterna nella Stanza del Trono e avendo nel nome di Gesù definitivamente umiliato ogni potenza soprannaturale, assumo la mia posizione politica di fronte a tutti i popoli della terra, come ambasciatore del Regno di Dio.
Questi, sono i simboli del mio potere di Figlio di Dio e del mio multiforme carisma.
Tutto questo ministero - servizio, diventerà veramente operativo solo dopo la mia morte e si proietterà fino alla seconda venuta del Signore.
Ti comunico i simboli del mio ministero:
You imagine if a State together with his Government, one day tells its citizens:
"You excuse boys, if from 50 years, we have stolen you and continually deceived through 4 frauds, in fact for every Euro that you have in pocket, we withdraw you 2,70 Euro, and we give them to a typography of extra - community so that the banknotes can stamp you."
A child would also say:
"and because, the banknotes that serve you stamp you her from you, instead of stealing us in this violent way? "
Now, since cannot exist an answer to this question, result evident that, of banking seignorage, is not owed and cannot be spoken!
In Any Moment, If These Central Bankers, made the Summation Of all the National debt Of Every State, they can Declare FAILURE.
In this way they have already decided to make to collapse the international coinage: the Exchanges, the Banks and the Department of Internal Revenue of the whole Planet will jam, they will go to smoke all the capitals!
You convert in banknotes how much more titles you are able, seal you them under empty and put them under the brick in dry place, since the only true emergency will be that of the liquidity! "
Me, Lawrence Scarola, having in the Blood of taken Jesus my eternal position in the Room of the Throne and having in Jesus's name definitely humiliated each supernatural power, assumes my political position in front of all the people of the earth as ambassador of the Kingdom of God.
These, are the symbols of my power of Child of God and my multiform charisma.
This whole office - service, will become only after my death really operational and will be projected up to the second arrival of the Lord.
I communicate you the symbols of my office:
I Lorenzo, having in the Blood of Jesus taken my position eternal in the Throne Room and taking in the name of Jesus permanently humiliated any supernatural power, take my political position in front of all the peoples of earth, as ambassador of the Kingdom of God.
These are the symbols of my power as the Son of God and my multifaceted charisma.
All this ministry - to become truly operational only after my death and be projected until the second coming of the Lord.
I communicate you the symbols of my office:
Forse vuoi parlare al tuo Sindaco?
Io, Lorenzo Scarola, come ministro e rappresentante di Dio dichiaro che le maledizioni e la condanna di Dio, sono senza appello e scendono su chiunque, a qualsiasi titolo, non si impegni a difendere la piena sovranità nazionale e far crollare questo parassitario sistema truppa (1 euro a te e 2,70 euro alle banche centrali) della moneta debito e il conseguente crimine di signoraggio che ci rende schiavi e sudditi di poteri occulti.
“In quel popolo dove, anche alcuni cervelli sono di valore, non c'è bisogno di ricorrere alle armi, ma dove la massoneria ha ridotto al silenzio anche la religione e ha occupato ogni spazio possibile ed impossibile, ecco che allora, solo le armi possono parlare!”