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Google sued over video service
YouTube has only about $11.5 million dollars in venture capital, meaning if you sued the company you weren't likely to get much out of it, other than your video being pulled down off the site. But Google's worth billions,
Video Games Take Over Multiplex
Movie theaters and video games go hand in hand. I remember that when multiplexes first started springing up around me in the early '80s, they all featured an abundance of arcade games. Besides the fact that the bigger theaters had
Joystiq video: Xbox 360 Wireless Headset review
We picked up one of Microsoft's Xbox 360 Wireless Headsets and put it through the paces in a video review. It's been fantastic so far, especially when we've been fragging people in Gears of War. It's light enough that you hardly feel it
IP surveillance camera integrates video analytics software
Cohu Electronics has licensed video analytics software technology from Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi) for use in its 3960 series i-view.net IP camera. With the addition of Agent Vi's camera-optimized Vi-Agent edge code,
TiVo Alert: History of video games on CNBC
CNBC, not a network typically associated with two-hour documentaries on video games, will be airing a two-hour documentary on video games Wednesday, November 15th, "just two days before the scheduled release of Sony's highly anticipated
ESA head doesn't like term "video game"
Doug Lowenstein, head of the ESA, is unhappy with the term "video game" being used to describe the industry. Say what? He thinks that by calling them games, the industry can't be taken seriously; whereas, if the terminology were changed
Video: Jellyfish Lake at Palau
Filed under: Dive Sites, Media, Flora & Fauna, Beginners, Experts, Pacific, Lakes. The first time I saw Jellyfish Lake was the IMAX documentary, The Living Sea. For some reason I've been thinking about it, well Palau actually,
From Social Media to Corporate Media - Video Series #3
Video Series #3 - Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Heuer, and Chris Carfi. Video Three - Jeremiah Owyang (now with PodTech), Chris Huer, and Chris Carfi. Video One - Introduction Video Two - Robert Scoble Add to del.icio.us Digg this!
Move the iTunes 7 video controller
If you find the location of the pop-up controller in iTunes 7's standalone video window to be inconvenient, simply drag it out of the way. Any part of the controller that doesn't do something else can be used to move it around.
Google Video Sued
It’s also worth noting that while fellow video sharing sites Grouper and Bolt.com were both sued by Universal Music Group last month, YouTube and Google Video escaped unharmed, despite having massive amounts of copyrighted content.

Repubblica.it » Video
27-10-2006. La chimica fa male, un video di Greenpeace. Spettacoli & Cultura. 25-10-2006. Il video musicale di Michelle Hunziker. Esteri. 23-10-2006
Tgcom - Archivio video
ARCHIVIO VIDEO. 1/11/2006 - Si traveste da Bin laden, arrestato · 30/10/2006 - Messico, polizia carica i manifestanti
Yahoo! Musica - video musicali, web radio, cantanti italiani e
Migliaia di Video musicali gratis e oltre 25 Radio online. Su Yahoo! Musica puoi creare la tua web Radio personalizzata e scoprire la musica, i Video,
Libero - Video - Home Page
Libero Video ti permette di vedere video divertenti, sexy e inediti. Su Libero Video potrai inviare gratis i tuoi video.
Trasmette solo musica italiana. Nel portale possibilità di richiedere un brano musicale o un video.

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