Martha, Martha, tu sparisti / e il mio cor col tuo n'ando! The performance of Argentinian pianist Martha Argerich with the National Symphony Orchestra was, in my mind, one of the season's most exciting prospects. It was not Argerich at fault this time (so we don't have to blame the possibility Mio C710 GPS satellite navigation Europe - 321914 GPS / Car Mio busts out C250 portable GPS unit on the cheap As if Mio didn't already have enough options for snatching your GPS dollar British pound, it's now introducing the decently-featured C250 navigation device to keep things interesting. Along with that 3.5-inch touchscreen, SA & Corruption: Two Peas in a Pod The University Standard was one of the first publications to break the SA scandal that has engulfed UWM as of late. Attached is the scathing article written by "The Rat that Knew the Ship was Sinking": Suzuki working on the MIO, a hydrogen fuel cell wheelchair. Who The Suzuki Mio can operate for about 25 miles on a four-liter tank. The fuel cell uses the methanol to create hydrogen and electricity, and Li-ion batteries save up what isn't used right away. The art released by Suzuki, as you might be Mio launches H610 - the personal travel assistant for women Mio has officially launched the H610 - a variation on the GPS device, now billed as a "personal travel assistant" and aimed very obviously at women. Yes, the phrases "fits easily into handbags" and "must-have fashion accessory" are GPS Gang Bang: Garmin, Mio, Cobra and Honda The smooth-sounding male voice is that of the Honda Civic Hybrid's built-in GPS unit, the robotic male voice is the Garmin, the smooth and y-sounding female voice is the Cobra NavOne, and the other female voice is the Mio. Mio styles sat nav as girl-friendly 'fashion accessory' Hardware Widow Mio first demo'd its H610 GPS gadget at CeBIT in March. Then, the handheld sat nav tool was merely a good-looking but non-gender specific device. But now, by the application of some flower-like screen-printing and some Mio C250 - satellite navigation and MP3 player for £170 Mio is gunning for the budget sat nav market in the run-up to Christmas, launching the well-featured C250 device for under £200. The Mio C250, which operates via a 400MHz CPU with 64MB RAM and a SiRF Star III chipset, Mio H610 - is it really what women want? Mio seems to think so, although “specially-designed” to them appears to mean “slap some flowers on it”. I find myself more than a little embarrassed on Mio’s behalf. Browse the archive of posts filed under GPS, archive, Mio
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