Tensilica Adds Ogg Vorbis Decoder to Xtensa HiFi 2 Audio Engine LinuxElectrons
SANTA CLARA , Calif. – Tensilica® has added an Ogg Vorbis decoder for its popular Xtensa® HiFi 2 Audio Engine and Diamond 330HiFi processor core.
Tensilica Adds Ogg Vorbis Decoder to Popular Xtensa HiFi 2 Audio Engine and Diamond 330HiFi Processor Core Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SANTA CLARA, Calif.----Tensilica®, Inc. today announced that it has added an Ogg Vorbis decoder for its popular Xtensa® HiFi 2 Audio Engine and Diamond 330HiFi processor core.
The Lowdown on High-Definition TV Washington Post
"You're drooling again," my wife said as she attempted to drag me away from the row of flat-screen HDTVs gracing an aisle of our local warehouse store.
Art Brut, Stars, Man Man to Play Siren Fest Pitchfork
The Village Voice is under new management, and although they're firing people left and right, it's nice to know that at least some things are remaining intact over there.
Mosaic Singles Make Their Debut All About Jazz
Having the guts and tenacity to champion the reissue of albums that the major labels at the time weren’t willing to touch with a ten foot pole, Mosaic Records back in the mid ‘80s led to way for the type of comprehensive boxed sets that are now the norm.
List of authors: Philadelphia City Paper
Clear the way for the prophets of rage. Wow Chuck Norris, get up on your Internet get ups, will you? It takes you this long to come up with an adequate response to all those now-passe
Flip Phone offers BlackBerry Connect and QWERTY keyboard. ThomasNet
Measuring 3.78 x 2.05 x 0.72 in., quad-band Samsung SGH-t719 integrates speakerphone, Bluetooth® technology, swivel-lens 1.3 megapixel camera, and QWERTY keyboard with word predictive text and organizer. BlackBerry® Connect(TM) software, also included, offers push-based wireless e-mail and attachment viewing capabilities in conjunction with BlackBerry Internet Service and BlackBerry Enterprise
Music Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Music listings are compiled by Duncan Scott Davidson. The music interns are Hayley Elisabeth Kaufman, Todd Lavoie, and Aaron Sankin. Since club life is unpredictable, it’s a good idea to call ahead to confirm bookings and hours. Prices are listed when provided to us.
Bloc Party to Spend A Weekend in the City Pitchfork
Most people spend their vacation time somewhere bucolic and peaceful. Not Bloc Party . Next year, they plan to spend A Weekend in the City with their second album, which will be released February 6 on Vice . It's the London quartet's follow-up to last year's Silent Alarm and Silent Alarm Remixed . (Yeah, we guess that kinda makes it their third album.
Christopher Breen and Mark Hattersley Macworld UK
Steve Jobs proclaimed that iTunes was the “most significant enhancement to iTunes since we introduced it in 2001â€. Given iTunes multitude of talents, that’s a mighty impressive claim. And Steve’s not far off the mark.
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