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Europe bans most severe animal tests for cosmetics news service May 4, 2007 For decades, posters depicting rabbits with inflamed, reddened eyes symbolised campaigns against the testing of cosmetics on animals. Now the most severe of those tests are to be banned across
Everything you didn't want to know about Colony Collapse Disorder
GNN guerrilla news network May 2, 2007 By Peter Dearman Please Lord, not the bees It sounds like the start of a Kurt Vonnegut novel: Nobody worried all that much about the loss of a few animal species here and there until one day the
By Byron J. Richards, CCN May 4, 2007 There is still time to stop FDA, Inc. Bill S1082 is a bill that helps fund the FDA with Big Pharma money. It is known all over Capital Hill as Big Pharma-designed legislation.
Hundreds of Dead Seals Wash Up on Shore May 3, 2007 (AP) -- Hundreds of dead seals have washed up on Kazakhstan's Caspian Sea shoreline in the past several days, bringing the total number of the animals found dead along the shoreline in recent weeks to 832,
Mysterious honeybee killer could make dinner bland
Science and space May 3, 2007 • USDA official: "This is the biggest general threat to our food supply" • One-quarter of US colonies vanish, about five times the normal winter loss • Honeybees pollinate more than 90 of the
FDA: Contaminated feed could affect farms nationwide
By Katy Byron CNN May 2, 2007 • Contaminated feed found in 38 Indiana chicken farms; more farms likely affected • Feed contains recalled pet food with tainted wheat gluten • No human illnesses have been reported related to tainted
Aspartame - FDA Spins News on Second Cancer Study
Morando Soffritti, an Italian researcher with the Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna is known for his publication of a study that found aspartame, the artificial sweetener consisting of two amino acids and a methanol binding agent,
By Byron J. Richards, CCN April 5, 2007 Americans are up in arms that our pets are being injured and killed by a toxin sent to America by a Chinese company. Melamine, a toxic fertilizer used in China, is the suspected
Aspartame's Safety Questioned Again - Another Study Suggests It NEW YORK, April 24, 2007 (CBS) A new report indicates aspartame, the artificial sweetener that's the main ingredient in Nutrasweet and Equal, heightens the risk of cancer. But the Food and Drug Administration has said
Report: Tainted Hogs Enter Food Supply April 27, 2007 (AP) -- Several hundred of the 6000 hogs that may have eaten contaminated pet food are believed to have entered the food supply for humans, the government said Thursday. The potential risk to human health was
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ISIS - Archimede -
Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore Archimede.
Nave Archimede - le pagine Trek piu' divertenti d'Italia
Nave Archimede - le pagine Trek più divertenti d'Italia.
Archimede Servizi Immobiliari - agenzia immobiliare stime compra
Archimede - Servizi immobiliari Compra vendite affitti firenze.
Archimede Informatica Corsi di informatica - Roma ::Programmazione
[Roma] Società che ha per scopo lo sviluppo della formazione informatica finalizzata alla qualifica professionale. Presenta la sede ei corsi.
La Leva di Archimede (IT)
Per chi ama discutere, c'è il forum de La Leva di Archimede. Spagna. Postato da: archimede il 04.05.07 alle ore 09:31 | Commenti (0)
Archimede Informatica - prodotti multimediali e progetti per il Web
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La Leva di Archimede - Associazione di consumatori per la libertà
diceva Archimede per illustrare il principio della leva. Noi il principio della leva, lo mettiamo al servizio delle libertà individuali
La morte di Archimede per mano di un soldato Romano è il simbolo di un rivolgimento mondiale di prima grandezza. I Romani erano un grande popolo,
spinta di Archimede
quest'applet permette di visualizzare graficamente e numericamente l'effetto della spinta di Archimede su un corpo con caratteristiche note immerso in un
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