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tele2 q3: strong growth but debts increasing
tele2 announced its results for q3 2006 today. revenues for the quarter were up 11% year-on-year to
tele2 buys 49% of spring mobile [tele2]
swedish telecommunications operator tele2 ab monday said it will acquire 49% of the shares in spring mobil from swefour gsm ab, with an option to acquiring the remaining shares in .
content blocking in denmark
i disagree with tholstrup's analogy. it does not appear that the court asked tele2 to look at the music being downloaded. that would be analogous to the post office reading the mail. what the court said was more analogous to telling
tele2 ab ordered by courts to block access to allofmp3.com
tele2 ab ordered by courts to block access to allofmp3.com a court in denmark has ordered swedish telecom operator tele2 ab to block access to the music download service allofmp3.com. this website is based in russia and it sells mp3
swedish tele2 will block allofmp3.com
danish court has ordered swedish telecom operator tele2 ag to block its internet service subscribers from connecting to the russian website allofmp3.com, which is accused by recording companies of selling their music illegally.
regulator ok tele2, qsc venture [tele2]
swedish telecommunications operator tele2 ab wednesday said the german cartel office has approved the creation of plusnet, a joint venture with qsc ag, effective september 1. th.
cytrap labs - advisory - versatel, vivendi and tele2 - fixed-line
“tele2 has a key mission. simple and cheap telecoms tele2 is europe’s leading alternative telecom operator. our mission is to offer cheap and simple telecoms. tele2 always strives to offer the market’s best prices. ”
sweden's tele2 posts a 3q loss, raises earnings forecast
swedish telecom company tele2 ab on wednesday posted a loss for the third quarter after taking a charge related to the sale of its french unit and
tele2 in a rocky ition
tele2 released a disappointing (for its investors) set of q2 results today. revenues were up by 12%
Tele 2 cède ses activités françaises fixe et internet à SFR
Tele2 ne conservera en France que ses activités de téléphonie mobile. Les activités cédées comptaient fin juin 3393 millions de clients et ont réalisé au premier semestre de 2006 un chiffre d'affaires de 248 millions d'euros,

Tele 2 50% garantito : Leggi le Opinioni e compara i prezzi
Svantaggi: Non presente nel sito tele 2. La tariffa T2 50% GARANTITO è un servizio gratuito di cui l'utente telecom potrà usufruire per tutto il tempo che
PANORAMA | Internet | Il meglio del Web
Come usare Tele2 per risparmiare il canone Telecom. SULLO STESSO TEMA. Adsl, Tele2 rilancia: ecco l'offerta più economica
Blog sui Cellulari » Tele2 non fa più pagare il canone Telecom
Tele2 ha fatto un’offerta interessante ma mi chiedo: “Se il canone telecom è di circa 29 euro ogni 2 mesi, e tele2 chiede un canone di circa 24 euro mensili
Mytech | News | Tele2 contro il canone Telecom
La prima, Senza Pensieri su rete Tele2, si rivolge agli utenti unbundling e permette di abbandonare Telecom Italia a fronte di un canone mensile di 18,90
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