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event: "from counterculture to cyberculture", nov 9, stanford
this ought to be very interesting; i'm hoping my workweek schedule allows me to attend! sorry, kids, blogger can't handle the pre tag with pasted text for some reason. sheesh. from counterculture to cyberculture: the legacy of the whole
strata at railscamp san jose
strata will be joining the interesting folks at ibm almaden's ruby on rails camp in early november in san jose. also onsite will be matt petty, virtual.net's primary rails developer, who has been implementing virtual.net's skunkworks
distillations from day one
first day at office 2.0 definitely did not disappoint. i was unable to attend the morning sessions, due to a client meeting in the south bay, but the afternoon panels were excellent. in addition to my usual 3x5 card notes on individual
office 2.0 update
i'm looking forward to meeting folks at the conference. unfortunately a prior committment prevents my attending tonight's cocktail reception, but i will be onsite for the afternoon sessions tomorrow (weds) and most of the day thursday.
office 2.0: a paradigm or a product?
with plenty of time to get the thinking caps rolling, i'd like to share some of my thoughts on office 2.0. i'm approaching it from the standpoint of designing a next-generation redefinition of the office paradigm, essentially breaking
will you be at ispcon?
coming up practically in my parking lot, ispcon will be at the santa clara convention center from november 7 - 9. exhibits-only passes are free with pre-registration-- the site says "until sept 29th" but the registration process says
office as community
i'm somewhat buried in a deadline through this week, but want to get folks' creative juices flowing. my model for office 2.0 is "the office as a community". what would it mean for productivity if the same kinds of social-networking
[Mobilis in Mobili] Strata at RailsCamp San Jose
to learn scaling and do collaborative design, and a belief in writing conduits, not portals. Drop us a note if you're intrigued. No reposting or forwarding, please. -- Posted by Strata to Mobilis in Mobili at 10/17/2006 07:03:00 PM
strata update
i will be speaking and/or teaching at the following additional conferences in 2006; thanks again to the great folks who attended my tutorials at the usenix annual technical conference, and were so complimentary on the evaluation forms.
Forma Mobili opens at Gallicano
click on images to enlarge A new furniture warehouse opened in Gallicano this evening, with a face (and voice) at the helm that are well known to barganews readers …our very own Mirko Miccini, late of the Strabacco group and regular

Sito Mobili.it
Sito Mobili.it - Motore di ricerca italiano per l'arredamento, mobili e completi d'arredo. E' possibile effettuare le ricerche nelle singole province,
WebMobili il motore di ricerca dell'arredamento
Propone i cataloghi dei maggiori produttori di mobili ed un elenco di rivenditori. Nel sito anche un Magazine 2001 Webmobili.it - Proprietà Riservata
IKEA | pagina principale | arredamento, arredamenti, arredo
Presentazione del gruppo svedese che distribuisce prodotti per la casa el'ufficio. Rete di negozi in Italia, servizio e assistenza clienti.
Mobili d'Italia
Mobiliditalia.it, il portale dei distretti del mobile, è una “e-market community”, dove le aziende associate oltre ad avere un diretto supporto alle vendite
Mercantini Mobili: arredamento per la casa
[Piandimeleto, PS] Produzione di arredamenti per la casa, in particolare soggiorni, camere da letto e armadiature. Storia dell'azienda, catalogo dei
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