University of Rome III - School of Humanities - “Seeing and saying things in Englsih” - Convener: Patrick Boylan
EVALUATION SHEET for Oral Performance in speaking the language of a DOUBLE*

*any native speaker of any variety of English

Student's name (BLOCK LETTERS):_____________________________________________ Student's group: _____

Double's name: ______________________________________ From: _________________________________

The knd of English spoken by the double: ________________________________________________________

1. (Biography) S/he knows all about the double's upbringing/background and can answer Magic If questions.       

2. (Cultural identity) The way s/he sees things shows roots in the double's Anglo community of values.             

3. (Language) The way s/he says things sounds like the double's variety of English (which s/he can describe)   

4. (Presence) Talking with him/her, you feel you are in the presence of the double (s/he emanates feeling).          

5. (Extra point for an exceptionally good internalization of the double's language and culture)                                


Signature of Evaluator: ________________________________