Participants in training environments in Romania may exhibit some of the following behaviours:

  • Respectful of trainer
  • Write down everything the trainer says
  • Prefer listening to participating (especially reluctant to participate in exercises)
  • Will engage in intellectual/theoretical debate
  • Fearful of being exposed in front of colleagues
  • Reluctant to commit to action

Some of the core values and beliefs that may be ‘running this behaviour’ are:

  • Life in Romania is uniquely difficult!
  • Importance of hierarchy and status
  • Things keep getting worse and will probably never get better

Some Do’s may be:

  • Put questions directly to individuals
  • Give credit for contributions to discussion
  • Try and make things relevant to their society and situation
  • Establish your credentials and credibility
  • Listen sympathetically to their difficulties
  • Dress conservatively

Some Don’ts may be:

  • Pretend that you – or your culture – has all the answers
  • Be flippant