Participants in training environments in Australia may exhibit some of the following behaviours:

Generally informal, but this can vary between companies
Lively participation in open discussions
Not shy about putting across personal viewpoints
Will “give things a go” even if it is an activity that takes them out of their comfort zone
Enjoy competitive activities
Prefer a personal approach
Can be negative about those who seem to be doing particularly well or appear to know a lot about a subject (other participants rather than the trainer)

Some of the core values and beliefs that may be ‘running this behaviour’ are:

Despite its small population and large size, Australia has a lot to offer
Support for the underdog
People are individuals and are entitled to have and to voice their own thoughts and opinions
A practical and straightforward approach is best
A history of great sporting background and achievements resulting in a competitive approach

Some Do’s may be:

Ensure relevance to the Australian situation and use examples and anecdotes from Australia where possible
Encourage participants to share their ideas and experiences
Enter into debate and offer your own views
Vary training techniques and incorporate a range of interesting and unusual activities
Use humour and anecdotes

Some Don’ts may be:

Allow negative comments to affect the training and the participant’s enthusiasm
Be over pedantic and didactic
Allow activities to drag on too long
Curtail discussion in the interests of time if all participants are finding it useful
Give too much pre-session work