Eugenia Netto - English, II-LM - a.a. 2008-2009


Redo, according to accommodation theory, the Enel press release translation.

----ENGLISH VERSION: accommodation to Australian English and Aussie’s mindset.------
And also to a typical Australian newspaper, one that your double, Cate Blanchett, would read. Since She went to an upper-class boarding school but is a liberal (from her talk), so I imagine she would read The Age.

Also see:


Monteverdi, July 21, 1997


[*Your readership is educated, but cannot possibly know what “e-n-e-l” means. Do you know what API is? (It's the Australian Power Institute). My suggestion:
“Italy” is sufficient, you don't have space to say “The Italian National Electricity Board”
In addition, you mention what interests your Aussie, liberal, pro-green readers, right away.

An investment of 210 210 11 billion lire lire euro

1. Two new geothermoelectric power stations were inaugurated today by the Chairman of Enel (the Italian electricity company) Chicco Testa [In Oz Chicco is zero. Mention him at the end.] in Monteverdi Marittimo, (PI) near Pisa,*** for a total investment of around 210 billion lire. These power plants have an overall capacity of 40 Mw and are able to produce 260 million kW/h per year, enough to restock 350,000 people. [Put this information at the end. Say immediately the news about the great ecological advance (no oil, no coal needed!) that these plants represent!]

2. These are two state-of-the-art plants that,
instead of burning oil or coal, use heat from the Earth's molten center to produce the steam that drives the turbines. This which makes Enel one of the first electricity companies in the world using to use a technology that involves fluid washing” technology at a depth of more than 1,000 metres. Furthermore these plants have been designed to reduce their impact on the environment, cutting noise levels at the same time.

3. This inauguration is another important step in the development of geothermal power for Enel Italy. Over the next five years new plants are going to [too colloquial for this newspaper] will raise the capacity by around 200 Mw in addition to the current 512 provided by the 27 existing plants. Moreover the construction of these two new Enel power stations should have a positive impact on the whole of the Monteverdi area in terms of employment as well as social and economic benefits because of the multiple uses of steam both in industry and for domestic heating as an alternative source of energy. [Good sentence, it should have been in the second paragraph. In the first you mention “no oil, no coal” and in the second “recycling heat for domestic use” and “employment.” This is what Cate and the other liberal readers want to know about: there IS an alternative to oil.]

4. ‘We are highly satisfied - Testa claimed ENEL Chairman, Ciccho Testa - because Enel our company is working actively in the field of research to develop and enhance Italian geothermoelectric resources paying particular attention to the environment and local situations’.

Good quote; I see you simplified the originally to make it more digestible for your Anglo readers.

As it is now (but also as you wrote it originally), it stands a better chance of being published than the original ENEL press release.]