Eugenia Netto - English, II-LM - a.a. 2008-2009

TASK 1 b.

Australian English is described in terms of levels and is distinguished into three main varieties:

Most people can shift between these levels (code-switching) because there are very little variation between them.

The Australian English variety I’m going to analyze is: General Australian English. I’ll take into account the main widespread features of this variety.

Part A: phonemic level

The pronunciation of General Australian English is like the standardized Received Pronunciation. Vowels are divided into: short vowels (corresponding to the lax vowels of the RP) and long vowels (corresponding to the tense vowels of RP). Unlike most varieties of English, it has a phonemic length distinction: certain vowels differ only by length.

Australian English is a non-rhotic language, that means that non-rhotic speakers pronounce /r/ only if it is followed by a vowel sound and not by a consonant. Consonants are similar to those of other non-rhotic varieties of English, but there is a flapped variant of /t/ and /d/ in similar environments, as in American English. Many speakers have also coalesced /dj/, /sj/ and /tj/ into /dʒ/, /ʃ/ and /tʃ/, producing standard pronunciation such as /tʃʉːn/ for tune.

Specific characteristics of General Australian pronunciation are few. For example the usage of /aː/ (the "long a") as opposed to /æ/ ("short a") of the RP pronunciation in words like ‘graph’, ‘chance’, ‘France’, ‘dance’, ‘demand’, ‘castle’, ‘grasp’, ‘bath’, ‘palm’, ‘start’, ‘bard’, ‘hard’ and ‘contrast’ is usually but not always attested. It is far more common in South Australia than in other regions.

Pronunciation that is different from RP (maybe because of the influence of General American or Irish or Cockney (or rather all three, in fact, starting historically with Cookney and IrisH) are, for example:

Perfect (standard) RP pronunciation is that with no pronounced [‘nəʊ].

General Australian is also characterized by a rising intonation at the end of sentences.

Part B: morphemic level

Australian spelling differs from British spelling only for in a few examples cases. The most common different spellings are: 'program' which is more common than programme and ‘gaol’ instead of jail, although they are pronounced the same way.

Australian spelling is usually the same as British spelling.

Australians also use ‘youse’ as the plural form of the pronoun you adding the suffix –se as in American English: 'how are youse?'.

Part C: lexemic level

An important phenomenon of word formation which is highly distinctive of the Australian English is the tendency to cuttruncate nouns and end them with –ie (/i/) or -o. This is a phenomenon of ‘elision+suffixation’ and it is widespread through all social classes. Some sociolinguistics have theorized that it represents a collective act of Rebellion against British imperialism, just like adolescents’ slang used to contest adult dominion.

Examples are first of all Australian(s) that became Aussie(s), then cossie for ‘costume’, barbie for ‘barbeque’, arvo for ‘afternoon’, journo for ‘journalist’, muso for ‘musician’, servo for ‘service station’, brekky for ‘breakfast’, bickie or bikky for ‘biscuit’ and so on.

Many differences can be found between the vocabulary of Australian English and that of British and American English. There are words which are strictly connected with the Australian history and landscape. The best well-known are for example:

And also:

The vocabulary is also influenced by Australian aboriginal languages. For example:

There are also many other many other words which are used differently in Australian English. See and for more explanation.

Part D: syntactic level

There are very few non-standard constructions at the syntactic level. British and American influences are very strong and both affect AusE from this point of view. Anyway Australian English seems to be more similar to BrE than to AmE. The identification of distinctive characteristics of AusE in respect of syntax is very complex because there are only differences in the usage but not in the normative system. Indeed Aussies don’t recognize the standard variety of AusE, in respect of syntax, as a separate body of norms.

For more information, see

Some examples from the site above:

It is used as an auxiliary:

AusE :



Cricket is different to baseball.

Cricket is different from baseball.

Cricket is different than baseball.

Aussies use the singular with these nouns which are usually considered plural nouns in BrE:

Part E: textual level

There are no significant features in Australian English at the textual level. We can only notice that Australians don’t use a lot of connectors, either both in written and or spoken language. Furthermore they use ‘as if’ as exclamatory rejection in expressions like ‘"As if they're real tears!" or "The case was dismissed? As if." and not as a connector.

Part F: (normative) pragmatic level

At the pragmatic level we can notice some the specific use of language to establish relationship, to express surprise, approval and so on. Aussies use a lot of idioms and colloquial terms and often colorful language.

When Aussies meet they use g'day which means ‘good day, hello’ and it is the typical Aussie greeting. When they leave they say hooroo that means ‘goodbye’. When they thank someone, they just say ta (‘thank you’, derived from infant speech). Australians use ‘I’m good’ to say ‘I’m fine’.

They also use expressions like carn (which is an assimilation of "come on!" or "Go on!") to invite someone. Australians use expression like ‘Let's go take a gander…’ or ‘Take a squiz at…’ to say ‘to take a look’.

Aussies use also a lot of different way to express surprise and approval as for example:

Australians use idiomatic expressions as for example:

Colorful language is very common and is used also to talk about common things as for example:

and so on.

When speaking Australian often have false starts as ‘I…I…I mean…’. They also use stock phrases as ‘you know’, ‘yeah’, ‘uhm…’ and so on.
