Activity: Task 2 ; Module II ; Seeing and saying things in english from

Patrick Boylan .

Date : Rome , Sunday 13 th May , 2007 .

Name in Italy: Alia Fabiana ;

Name of your double : Virginia Woolf ; You should specify that it is the Woolf-as-the-mind-shaping-her-novels, since you based yourself on her novels, not the real-life, everyday Woolf,

Family Name in Italy: Famiglia Alia

Group : C


Double's Maxims :

1) Women to power ;

2) Human life represent a " moment of being" , for this reason you have to live

each moment like it was the last ;

3) Don't follow the conventions but live with your life's style;

4) Everyone represent a complex world ;

5) we need of God but the religion's infatuation makes us bad ; so we have to do good only for the love of good ;

6) The persons who thinks only to their aspects don't understand the real sense of life ;

7) The culture is important ;

8) Life is like the sea, it's harmonius and destructive at the same time .

Italian's Maxims & Couter- Maxims:

1) L' aspetto fisico è importante soprattutto nell' ambiente lavorativo;

1) The phisical aspect is not so important ;

2) Salta la fila quando puoi ;

2) You musn't jump the queue ;

3) Getta le cose per terra come fanno tutti;

3) Don't pull down the rubbish ;

4) Conformati al gruppo altrimenti non sei nessuno;

4) Be yourself and don't follow the others ;

5) Il denaro è importante;

5) The money is not so important;

6) Vivi e lascia vivere ;

6) You must always say what you think;

7) La religione è importatnte;

7) God is an illusion ;

8) C'è tempo per le responsabilità ;

8) Think to your future ;



In my report i try to follow the style of Virginia Woolf by leaving free space to my thoughts even if differently by Virginia i often do not maintain logical and grammatical organisation. It will be a Southern British English. Not enough, you should give the characteristics of the Bloomsbury aesthetics and language.

The first time i enter in that house a lot of things were flowing in my mind .. By observing that family i felt myself like an extraneous... my world was and is completely different from theirs. The most strange thing that i observed was their way to welcome me ... they advanced between me and kissed me like if they knew me for a long time and maybe i wasn't ready to these affect demonstrations. I didn't accostum to their space .. the rooms were so small and so chaotic for me ... there was too much things and too much colours.. i didn’t concentrate with all this things that turned around me... they were like the voices that tormented me sometimes; this sensation didn‘t last for long time maybe because my attention was for one moment attracted by the singing of the birds out of the window .. so i went near her and i saw wonderfull tree in flower... harmony, life ,beauty... i remembered for one moment my summers at St Ives when the sound of the sea touched me so deeply that i never heard my breath. It's so strange like the human relationship are so different from culture by culture .. i never lived a relationship like that between Valentina (My sister for one day) and her father Carlo ... he didn't speak a lot and for this reason sometimes she didn't understand what did he meant. Notwithstanding it, they continued to talk until they found a compromise. All this was strange for me .. my father was obsessive and didn't hear reason. For the rest, I didn't like their way to eat ... i usually eat what i want to eat in that day but in this case i must accomodate to their way of eating... they didn't use a lot of spices even if i like them , especially ginger. The most important decisions were taken by Carlo but there wasn't a real gerarchy because even Flavia (his wife) said what she thought. it's wonderful how Valentina and her mother were linked. It was not the same relationship that she had with her father because it was more intensive. In fact , Valentina and her mother could understood each other with one sight ... ; what men feel is nothing in front of what the women feel... what men say, women feel and live when i saw Valentina who kissed her mother i lost myself, loss, pain.. . Valentina seemed sensitive but also too much linked to her aspect; in the afternoon she had to go out with her boyfriend and i looked her while she prepared herself; she stayed in front of the mirror for too much time: she observed herself , she brushed her hair , she made up her eyes with so much naturalness that it was like if she was born to do this ... ; I think she was unsure , deeply unsure of herself ... unsureness, fear..; life is like a ribbon on a abyss and we are like equilibrists on the wave of time... .

Sometimes they oppressed me in order to conform myself to their way of living , not only in the case of eating but also in other circustance. For example they didn't accept the marriage between two persons of the same sex even if i thought that it was normal... they thought that I was strange because i thought this but maybe they weren't open like me. Then there was Carlo who didn't have trust in women because he said that women were better than men and that the women couldn’t be mothers and women in career at the same time ... i do not agree with this insinuation: women are better than men in a lot of things and i demonstrated it to him even if he remained with his idea.. .

Talking about Flavia, she was so spontaneous; everything she thought about something, she said it without reflecting ...she didn't want to loose the moment that passed in front of her eyes, but she wanted to preserve it ... to preserve, to remember, to live...this experience was important for me because i have known new person and with them a new culture and different inner world... .


L' esperienza di entrare nel complesso mondo di un altro individuo , ancor più complesso se si tratta di Virginia Woolf , mi è servita molto perchè sono riuscita per un istante a guardare ,se non completamente almeno parzialmente , il mondo con gli occhi di un altra persona . Essere Virginia mi ha insegnato a sentire di piu la vita e ad entrare nel complesso mondo interiore delle persone che mi circondano cercando di capire cosa provano di fronte ad ogni istante della vita che io , da Fabiana, senza accorgemene sprecavo o comunque ritenevo poco importante. Ho imparato ad assaporare ogni momento e a viverlo come se fosse l ' ultimo seppur ho avuto un po di problemi a mettere per iscritto quello che sentivo perchè si tratta di un insieme di sensazioni che è difficile dividere e scrivere su carta perchè se ne viene a perdere il senso. Il mio italiano è cambiato perchè ho enfatizzato la mia sensibilità e la mia riflessività , scrivendo spesso delle sensazioni cosi come mi venivano in mente senza stare a spiegare troppe cose ma seguendo lo stream of cosciusness anche se forse a volte mi sono lasciata andare troppo anche perchè Virginia seppur seguiva lo stream of cosciusness riusciva ad incamerarlo in una struttura grammaticale.. purtroppo non sono una scrittrice quindi a volte non ho scritto tutto in maniera perfettamente grammaticata perchè altrimenti sarebbe stato tutto troppo meccanico e poco sentito a differenza di Virginia che invece riusciva a rendere viva ogni sensazione che scriveva seppur utilizzava un organizzazione grammaticale.


Virginia: Sai ultimamente non riesco a concentrarmi

Valentina: Perchè?

Virginia: Perchè comincio a sentire delle voci

Valentina: Che tipo di voci

Virginia: Voci che non mi fanno vivere

Valentina: In che senso?

Virginia: Nel senso che sono talmente forti che sono stanca di sentirle

Valentina: Ma dai sarà la stanchezza

Virginia: non credo proprio per questo le devo assolutamente far tacere

Valentina : E come puoi fare?

Virginia: l' unico modo è....

Valentina: Faby cominci a preoccuparmi


Valentina: ma che cavolo dici oh .. ma ti sei impazzita?

Virginia: penso sia la cosa migliore

Valentina : fabiana stai scherzando no perchè non è divertente affatto.. mi fai paura ..vado a chiamare mamma cosi ne parliamo..

Virginia: non ho bisogno di nessuno

Valentina : Mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!