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Long-term-care policies linked to life insurance Sun-Sentinel
Insurance shopping is being transformed as new legislation spurs companies to offer more combination products that link life insurance and annuities with long-term-care insurance.
Guidance From Doctors on Long Term Care Insurance; Information to Be Available in Waiting Rooms RedNova
KIRKLAND, Wash., Sept. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- In a doctor's office near you, look for facts on a matter of growing concern, long term care insurance.
Guidance From Doctors on Long Term Care Insurance; Information to Be Available in Waiting Rooms PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
In a doctor's office near you, look for facts on a matter of growing concern, long term care insurance. Starting today, informative waiting room displays are being supplied to physicians by LTC Financial Partners LLC, the nation's most experienced long term care insurance brokerage.
Learn the Language of Health Insurance Plans Carmi Times
(ARA) - There are lots of different kinds of health insurance, from plans that cover medical services and prescription medicines to plans that cover dental expenses; disability insurance that replaces income lost due to extended illness or injury to long-term care, and so on.
Prudential Offers LTC Insurance Through Connecticut Partnership and Indiana State Insurance Programs for Long-Term Care Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEWARK, N.J.----Prudential Financial, Inc. announced today that its long-term care insurance business has joined forces with the Connecticut Partnership for Long-term Care and the Indiana Insurance Program for Long-Term Care.
Set a standard for long-term care, says union DurhamRegion.com
DURHAM -- Nursing home residents deserve better care, but with limited staff this can't be achieved, a union representing long-term care workers is arguing.
Aetna Down Following Buyback News Forbes
The health-care insurance company plans to spend $750 million on additional stock buybacks.
Insurance up in the air for damaged school building The Barre Montpelier Times Argus
BARRE -- An ill-defined landlord-tenant relationship between the city and the Barre Supervisory Union has raised serious questions about whether insurance will cover water damage caused when a pipe burst in the second-floor restroom of an Ayers Street office building late last month. - By David Delcore Times Argus Staff
Five Life Insurance Companies Renew Membership in IMSA, Ethics Standards-Setting Organization Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
Five prominent life insurance companies have qualified to renew their membership in the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association, the premier standards-setting organization for the life insurance marketplace.
German Health Care Reform: Mission Impossible? Deutsche Welle
Chancellor Angela Merkel put health care reform at the top of her government's agenda. But the reform plan she's released has been roundly condemned and even brought thousands of protesters out onto the streets.


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