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Applying for Life Insurance? Be Sure to Tell Them Everything! Benton Evening News
(ARA) - The last time you filled out a job application, did you maybe stretch the truth a little about your responsibilities? A lot of people do it to make a better impression on a potential employer, but you better not do it on an application for life insurance!
Simplify Your Life Insurance Online Evening Times
(ARA) - Purchasing life insurance online is one of the easiest decisions you'll ever make when it comes to protecting your family's financial future.
Case 3: Government employee with pension, retiree health insurance Houston Chronicle
Adam Black is close to where he needs to be by virtue of a federal job that includes both a monthly pension and retiree health insurance
Official Blamed Fire for Rate Rise The Ledger
A look back at headlines of local interest from past editions of The Ledger, The Lakeland Evening Telegram and The Lakeland Morning Star. Oct. 2, 1968 Rising insurance rates are justified, state Rep. Quillian Yancey of Lakeland, a member of the state's insurance and public safety committee, told Lakeland Rotarians.
Good life in boardroom as executive pay rockets 28 per cent Evening Standard
Boardroom pay has exploded by almost 30 per cent, more than seven times the rate for ordinary workers. A survey today showed top company directors' pay packages soaring to record levels with the increase the biggest for many years.
Enrollment Begins In State's Health Care Plan WCVB TheBostonChannel.com via Yahoo! News
State officials started enrolling low-income residents Monday into a state-administered health insurance program.
Get the Most for Your Money Benton Evening News
(ARA) - Do you clip coupons? Buy in bulk? Tend to wait until something you want goes on sale before buying it, and take advantage of multi-line discounts for your insurance needs? If so, congratulations on being a dedicated bargain shopper.
Survey shows Americans support mental-health insurance coverage San Antonio Express News
A new poll shows strong support for parity in providing mental and physical health care coverage, but one expert says policies haven't caught up with the reality that illness is illness.
Disparities in detection send the cost of treatment soaring Birmingham News
Economic and social disparities in health care run up the cost of cancer and drive down the rate of survival, says Dr. Edward Partridge, acting director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Tax toll The Telegraph
I am 38 years old and my annual income is Rs 20,000. I had taken two money-back life insurance policies for 20 years each in 1987 and 1990. One of these will mature in January next year and I’ll get Rs 80,000. I had reinvested the survival benefits from these policies in Kisan Vikash Patra.

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