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Viva Zapata! Princeton Packet
The spirit of the Mexican Revolution lives on in a printmaking exhibition in Philadelphia.
Igrafic.com: tu imprenta online. PR Web via Yahoo! News
Barcelona, España. (AmbosMedios) Noviembre 2, 2006.
Raritan eccelle nelle performance del Video KVM in un test effettuato dall'indipendente: The Tolly Group SYS-CON Media
Raritan - società leader nelle soluzioni per semplificare la gestione delle operazioni IT - ha presentato oggi l'esito dei test effettuati sul Paragon II e sullo switch AMX di Avocent, i test condotti da un'azienda indipendente, The Tolly Group, hanno evidenziato una netta superiorita' in termini di performance da parte di Paragon II di Raritan.
Artwork for the masses borne of revolution Calendarlive.com
* An exhibition highlights the golden age of Mexican printmaking. IN the wake of a long revolution against dictatorship, Mexican artists vowed in the 1920s to create works that would instruct and enrich the masses.
Shuttle XPC P2 3700G: IL miglior rendimento SYS-CON Media
Shuttle Inc., leader mondiale in produzione e design di Mini-PCs e accessori, presenta oggi con lo Shuttle XPC P2 3700g, un nuovo apparecchio tipo High-End. Speciale per giocatori e utenti professionali che cercano il miglior rendimento.
Shuttle XPC P2 3700G: El mejor rendimiento SYS-CON Media
Shuttle Inc., líder mundial en producción y diseño de mini ordenadores y accesorios, presenta hoy con el Shuttle XPC P2 3700G un nuevo equipo de tipo High-End. Especial para jugadores y usuarios profesionales que buscan lo más selecto.
Mexico and Modern Printmaking: A Revolution Opens Art Daily
Market (Mercado de Tehuantepec), 1930, Diego Rivera (Mexican, 1886-1957). Lithograph with yellow tone stone, 11 x 15 7/8 inches. Philadelphia Museum of Art: Gift of R. Sturgis and Marion B. F. Ingersoll, 1943-35-26.
BellSouth Informa Ganancias del Tercer Trimestre SYS-CON Media
BellSouth Corporation anunció las ganancias por acción (EPS) para el tercer trimestre de 2006 de operaciones continuas en 58 centavos, un aumento del 31.8 por ciento en comparación con el tercer trimestre de 2005. La ganancia por acción normalizada de operaciones continuas de 65 centavos se incrementó 27.5 por ciento en comparación con el tercer trimestre de 2005. En la tabla que aparece más
DMA Board Elects Markus Wilhelm Chairman and New Officers; Eight Directors Also Elected Direct Marketing Association
October 16, 2006 — The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Board of Directors yesterday announced the election of new officers and incoming Board members. The terms of office for the 2007 officers and new Board members commenced at DMA’s Annual Business Meeting on Sunday afternoon.

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