GP2X Linux games console: A review
It runs on Linux, which is always a plus from my point of view. there are one or two actually, but the most important one has less to do with the GP2X per se and more It's a remarkably capable piece of hardware with a vibrant,
100% Free Distributions: Will They Get Linux Anywhere?
There’s nothing wrong with it, per se - there’s just nothing that would A critical and crucial part of this is hardware recognition - if they cannot pounds changing their hardware just so that their systems will work with Linux,
OpenSUSE 10.2 Beta 1 as guest of VMware Server 1.01 / Ubuntu 6.10
This apparently stops Linux from checking for 'Machine Check Error', Stupid old grungy hardware. Then I realized: "Stupid Hardware Owner". and it will start with "Why performance per watt matters to us" which I have written the
My Personal Mainframe?
I could choose Debian Linux for my home system, and I could make a voluntary per year per mainframe CP or IFL) don't make sense for my home mainframe, on any warranty I get with my z800 purchase plus as-needed hardware repair.
Windows Server 2003 Running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Beta
Amazon's EC2 cluster is still in beta, but offers the scalability to rent server space at $0.10 per instance hour. Up till now, only Linux was an option, and with so many server applications requiring the windows environment,
XenSource Announced XenEnterprise for Windows and Linux
XenSource is positioned to accelerate the adoption of hardware-assisted XenEnterprise with Windows 2003, Windows XP, and major Linux distribution starts at $488 for an annual subscription license per dual socket server,
Thunderbird Linux Cluster Ranks 6th In Top500 Supercomputing Race
Sandia National Laboratories’ 8960-processor Thunderbird Linux cluster, Alliance to operate with multi-vendor Infiniband hardware and implement open-source The new software-stack environment allows for more memory per node to be
Symbian unloads UIQ, and the mobile apps situation gets clearer
All that software investment makes their cost per unit a lot higher than the The mobile market rewards minimalist design in both hardware and software. We're looking at a minimum of five major OS layers (S60, UIQ, Moto Linux,
one laptop per child project update
christopher blizzard wrote up a long update on where they are in the software and hardware for the linux-based olpc project. they've gotten a lot done, but he doesn't think that's been communicated to the outside world very well. so,
red hat enterprise linux 5: interview w/ scott crenshaw
stateless linux (desktop/server/ virtualized ) dynamically switchable per-queue i/o schedulers enhanced plug and play hardware support (cameras, etc) unique real time interface. looks like a good time to be buying linux
HOWTO sulla compatibilità hardware per Linux
HOWTO sulla compatibilità hardware per Linux. FRiC, < frac@pobox.com > parte dell'hardware supportato da Linux e aiuta a trovare i drivers necessari.
D: Oracle afferma che l'assistenza per Linux include la stessa compatibilità con l'hardware e le stesse certificazioni di Red Hat Enterprise Linux. È vero?
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. sammo folug@lists.linux.it Wed, 07 May 2003 12:02:28 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. Marco Baroni folug@lists.linux.it Tue, 6 May 2003 15:05:45 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]stasera all' ITC
LINUX-IT archives -- October 1995 (#9)
Organization: GARR-NIS - Pisa (Italy) Subject: Alpha hardware per Linux HW di una loro scheda Alpha che puo' essere usata con successo per Linux.
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. sammo folug@lists.linux.it Wed, 07 May 2003 12:02:28 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server
[FoLUG]hardware per linux server. Marco Baroni folug@lists.linux.it Tue, 6 May 2003 15:05:45 +0200. Previous message: [FoLUG]stasera all' ITC
LINUX-IT archives -- October 1995 (#9)
Organization: GARR-NIS - Pisa (Italy) Subject: Alpha hardware per Linux HW di una loro scheda Alpha che puo' essere usata con successo per Linux.
SuseItalia.org - Forum - Guide - hardware per linux
Offline. mi permetto di postare il link a una guida hardware per linux, utile per chi cerca periferiche compatibili per il nostro sysop preferito!
Kubuntu 6.06: Linux più facile di Windows? P.te 2 - Hardware
Sul sito ufficiale sono presenti driver per linux aggiornati al 26/05/2006 v2.60; abbiamo quindi Pagina 1: Installazione e configurazione dell'hardware
Nuovo Flash Player 9 per Linux - Hardware Upgrade - Il sito
Adobe prevede di distribuire una release definitiva di Flash Player 9 per Linux ad inizio 2007.
Linux Access HOWTO: Hardware
E' un sintetizzatore vocale hardware. E' raccomandato per l'uso con Emacspeak e Vorrei avere dei dettagli di quelli con supporto specifico per Linux,
[LD@Milano] Hardware per Linux Embedded
Messaggio precedente: [LD@Milano] Hardware per Linux Embedded; Prossimo messaggio: [LD@Milano] [OT] Hardware per Linux Embedded; Messaggi ordinati per: