Sony seen losing big money on PS3 hardware Macworld.com via Yahoo! News
Sony is taking a big loss on each PlayStation 3 console it sells but end users are benefitting from “supercomputing performance†at the price of a cheap PC, according to research company iSuppli, which dismantled the console to analyze the parts inside.
Focusrite's Liquid Mix Now Available For PC Harmony Central
The most eagerly-awaited Focusrite software release is now available for PC users worldwide: Liquid Mix for Windows XP.
PC World gets down to business ElectricNews.net via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
PC World is looking to change the way Irish SMEs buy technology with the launch of a new 'one-stop' website offering over 50,000 IT products and solutions.
iSuppli: PS3 Sold At $300 Loss On Hardware Components Gamasutra
Researchers from electronics supply chain iSuppli have performed their latest 'teardown analysis' on Sony's new PlayStation 3, and have calculated the manufacturing cost of the 20GB model at at $805.85 - over $300 more than its retail price. The researchers, who a year ago also measured Microsoft's Xbox 360 hardware at $127 over retail cost, perform the analysis by tallying an estimated cost of
Software provides PC security and diagnostics. ThomasNet
Able to protect up to 3 computers, System Suite 7 Professional features NetDefense(TM) dual-layer firewall, which blocks intrusions from spyware, adware, worm viruses, and Trojans encountered though routine web surfing or network access. It also continuously monitors PC's ports to ensure viruses are not ferred by digital music and video players, jump drives, and external hard-drives.
Hands on: Adding extra storage to your PC Personal Computer World
When I bought my first desktop PC, 16 years ago, it came with a generous 65MB hard disk. When I eventually outgrew this, I paid about £200 for a whopping 200MB drive. This was followed in turn by a colossal 500MB drive and then a truly awesome 1.7GB – each upgrade costing a further £200.
Sony Losing Big Money on PS3 Hardware PC World via Yahoo! News
Analysts say makers sell consoles at a loss and profit on games, but Sony's loss is unusually high.
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (November 16, 2006) – SEGA® of America Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced Sonic Riders™ has begun shipping for the PC. Sonic Riders takes gamers on an electrifying ride on air boards at break-neck speeds through a wide variety of tracks.
Outlook: Hardware for work, play and communication New Straits Times: Computer Times
Microsoft isn’t only looking to enhance the PC experience using software; it also has a range of keyboards, mice, Webcams and headsets that are designed to enhance the PC experience.
Nigeria: VIA Launches Chipset for Processor Platforms AllAfrica.com
VIA Technologies, a leading innovator and developer of silicon chip technologies and PC platform solutions, has confirmed the introduction of the VIA CN800 digital media IGP chipset, a highly integrated core logic solution that offers PCI Express and DDR2 memory support, as well as a host of rich digital media features including the VIA UniChrome Pro graphics IGP with hardware MPEG-2 playback and
Corsi: Corso Tecnico Hardware PC, con manuali
Questo profilo professionale ha i seguenti sbocchi lavorativi: Società Assemblatrici Hardware, Punti Vendita, Attività di Assistenza Tecnica, Tecnico EDP in
Dinox PC Hardware - Computer Hardware & Software Info
Recensioni e prove hardware e software, novità high tech, guide e aiuto online. Vasto panorama di processori, schede madri, chipset, schede grafiche.
PC Self la facile guida al personal computer
Una guida italiana online sull'utilizzo del personal computer, con sezioni dedicate alla diagnostica e al PC visto dall'interno, prove hardware e articoli
Hardware MAX - Tutto su Hardware, Software e Shop
Hardware MAX - E\ divenuto uno dei siti sull\informazione tecnologica tra i più¹ apprezzati che strizza l'occhio a chi cambia o aggiorna spesso il PC.
Corso Tecnico Hardware Pc a ATRIPALDA
Tecnico Hardware Pc profilo professionale conosce la struttura interna dei pc, conosce le varie architetture ed i vari tipi di memoria, bus, schede,
Dinox PC Hardware - Computer Hardware & Software Info
Recensioni e prove hardware e software, novità high tech, guide e aiuto online. Vasto panorama di processori, schede madri, chipset, schede grafiche.
PC Self la facile guida al personal computer
Una guida italiana online sull'utilizzo del personal computer, con sezioni dedicate alla diagnostica e al PC visto dall'interno, prove hardware e articoli
Hardware MAX - Tutto su Hardware, Software e Shop
Hardware MAX - E\ divenuto uno dei siti sull\informazione tecnologica tra i più¹ apprezzati che strizza l'occhio a chi cambia o aggiorna spesso il PC.
Corso Tecnico Hardware Pc a ATRIPALDA
Tecnico Hardware Pc profilo professionale conosce la struttura interna dei pc, conosce le varie architetture ed i vari tipi di memoria, bus, schede,
Corso Tecnico Hardware Pc a ROMA
descrizione il corso è finalizzato all'approfondimento delle conoscenze del pc da un punto di vista hardware. il punto di partenza è la logica di
PC Hardware.org
Información sobre el hardware de los ordenadores y la informática en general. Noticias, trucos, consultorio, enlaces a los fabricantes, overclocking,
Forum - WinTricks - (FG) Sped. --- Vendo componenti hardware PC
Community di WinTricks - tutto Windows software - http://www.WinTricks.it.
Calendario Corsi per Regione: Tecnico Hardware PC
Il calendario corsi per tutte le sedi Prometheo in Italia, regione per regione. Corsi in tutte le fasce orarie.