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Sony seen losing big money on PS3 hardware Macworld.com via Yahoo! News
Sony is taking a big loss on each PlayStation 3 console it sells but end users are benefitting from “supercomputing performance” at the price of a cheap PC, according to research company iSuppli, which dismantled the console to analyze the parts inside.
News: Sony seen losing big money on PS3 hardware MacCentral Online
Sony is taking a big loss on each PlayStation 3 it sells, but customers get a lot of computing power for little money, research company iSuppli said.
Launch Time gamesindustry.biz
The announcement that PlayStation 3 would not be launching globally this month and would not, in fact, be launching until March 2007 in Europe has, so far, been largely greeted with hostility and outright contempt in Europe.
Financial-i Announces TIBCO as the Most Innovative BPM Solution FinanzNachrichten
LONDON, Nov. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Financial-i magazine, Europe's leading financial IT publication, announced today that TIBCO Software Inc. ( Nachrichten ), a leading business integration and process management software company that enables real-time business, is recognised as being The Most Innovative BPM Solution for the magazine's inaugural "Leaders in Innovation Awards."
Hutchison 3G opens the mobile broadband faucet InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - If content has trickled from early mobile phone data services, a service slated to launch next month in the U.K. aims to turn on the wireless broadband faucet. Hutchison Whampoa, the Hong Kong conglomerate that operates several 3G (third-generation) mobile phone networks in Europe and Asia, will begin offering a new service on Dec. 1, initially in the U.K., that will allow
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (November 16, 2006) – SEGA® of America Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced Sonic Riders™ has begun shipping for the PC. Sonic Riders takes gamers on an electrifying ride on air boards at break-neck speeds through a wide variety of tracks.
Can Lenovo still ride the Big Blue wave? vnunet.com
Ben Tudor, CRN , Monday 20 November 2006 at 00:00:00 It has been almost two years since IBM disposed of its Personal Computing Division to Lenovo. Lenovo’s performance in the US and Europe has been less than stellar thus far – but that’s not a reason to write the firm off yet, argues Ben Tudor To understand Lenovo today, it is worth taking time to understand IBM. It would be safe to say
Interop Alliance Links Microsoft, Sun, Novell, AMD BetaNews
In Europe, at the heart of the global controversy over whether Microsoft and interoperability are incompatible, the Redmond company announced it is funding a global consortium of software and hardware manufacturers in the name of interoperability itself.
Fast growth for GPS: Q&A with Thomas Seiler, CEO u-blox Digi Times
Switzerland-based u-blox AG, a global provider of GPS (global positioning system) chipsets and modules, has been actively seeking cooperation with Taiwanese hardware makers, especially hand-held device manufacturers, to tap the fast growing global market for GPS-enabled devices. DigiTimes had a chance to interview u-blox CEO Thomas Seiler during his business visit to Taiwan.
400,000 Wii consoles for Japan MCV
Whilst Nintendo has so far refused to clarify how many Wii consoles will be making their way to Europe for December 8th, it has stated that 400,000 units will be available for the Japanese launch on December 2nd.

MIO MIO C250 ITALIA-MAJOR ROADS EUROPE Telefonia: GPS hardware software kit mappe -, MIO C250 ITALIA-MAJOR ROADS EUROPE cod 4926Mio c250 flash nand on board
40 milioni di PlayStation 2 vendute in Europa - Hardware Upgrade
E' questo il nuovo record raggiunto dalla console di vecchia generazione di Sony. Battuta la prima PlayStation.
SIPLACE Hardware Europe
English SIPLACE systems hardware information for Europe. Scalable SIPLACE Production lines.
Amazon.com: Computers & Internet / Hardware / Europe - Germany: Books
Online shopping for Hardware Computers & Internet from a great selection of Books; Subjects, System Architecture, Microprocessors & System Design, PCs,
Computer Dealers or Brokers or Distributors or Agents, Computer
Datamonitor's Computer Hardware in Europe industry profile is an essential resource for top-level data and analysis covering the Computer Hardware industry.

L'Europa cerca opinioni sugli RFID | Hardware | Webnews.HTML.it
La Commissione Europea ha avviato una consultazione pubblica avente lo scopo di recepire l'opinione dei cittadini circa la prossima adozione della
Zune in Europa solo alla fine del 2007 - Hardware Upgrade - Il
Hardware Upgrade - il sito italiano sulla tecnologia - www.hwupgrade.it e se avrà successo lo introdurranno anche in europa altrimenti ciao ciao zune.
L’Europa, in attesa dell’avvento della Sony PSP, è senza dubbio terreno di dove hardware, software e servizi sono uniti per valorizzare ed esaltare
Wireshop: vendita online a prezzi scontati di cellulari, computer
Nokia - 7360 Europa Amber Nokia 7360 Copertura tri-band GSM (GSM 900/ Le informazioni riportate su www.wireshop.it possono essere soggette a modifiche
Basta alle ATi All in Wonder in Europa - News - Hwinit.it
Partners (in ordine casuale) Hardware PC · Hardware Setup Secondo Hexus.net, ATi vorrebbe fermare la vendita delle schede All in Wonder in Europa.
comunicati stampa » hardware :: pcimprover.it
Recensioni hardware e software, linux e windows. Longshine Technologie Europe GmbH uno dei principali produttori europei di apparati per reti LAN/WAN
EUROPA - Rapid - Press Releases
a incentivare l'innovazione in Europa e a infondere uno slancio ancora più forte a (11 imprese) e dal settore dell'hardware informatico (9 imprese).
Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Aziende
Iomega - http://www.iomega-europe.com/eu/it/index_it.aspx Informazioni e novità sull'hardware dei personale computer e sulle periferiche collegate,
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