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Speech Technology
TC-STAR - Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Translation. PF-STAR - Preparing Future Speech Translation Research (EU project) PEACH - Personal Experience with Active Cultural Heritag
Midwest Speech Technology Association |
Escape from the shackles of bureaucratic corporate life, and embrace your future. We have specialized in the Speech Technology Industry since 1991, assisting many leading companies to
The vision of improving your communications systems with speech technology is no longer a vision for the future - it’s a reality in the marketplace today
SUBSCRIBE | Speech Technology Magazine
Speech Technology Magazine is the number one source for insight into where the speech technology industry is today and its direction for the future. Speech Technology Magazine is published bi-monthly
Microsoft Speech - Technology Overview
way from delivering natural, unstructured conversations with computers that sound like humans, as envisioned for the future by 2001 A Space Odyssey and Star Trek . However, speech technology is
Microsoft Speech: Home Page
SpeechTEK East 2006 Conference in New York, Microsoft executives outlined the future of Microsoft Speech SpeechTEK is the speech technology industry’s largest event. Read here for a Q & A with
Italian Text-to-Speech by Piero Cosi
Preparing Future multiSensorial inTeraction reseARch. European Project IST-2001-37599 Taylor@ed.ac.uk ), Richard Caley, Rob Clark ( robert@cstr.ed.ac.uk ) CSTR - Centre for Speech Technology
Royal Philips Electronics - Philips Speech Recognition Systems - User
By integrating speech technology this Medical Centre has achieved considerable time saving and increased efficiency. The hospital has become one of the leading users in the field of speech technology
ASRMarket Study of Text-to-Speech Technology Markets 1996 - 2008
Principles of Machine Speech Production ; Speech Synthesis Systems ; Speech Production Technology and Applications ; Future Directions
This program is first in a series on the Future of Nuclear Technology. Additional programs will discuss the future of nuclear energy, nuclear energy and weapons proliferation, and policy issues

MIT Advertising Lab: future of advertising and advertising
Ad Lab blogs follows the future of advertising technologies and media since 2004. Posted on 12.4.05 | Permalink: Future: Speech Without Sound
Roadmaps, Journeys and Destinations Speculations on the Future of
Thinking about a roadmap for the future of speech technology. research while writing this article reminded me of my favorite
Speech- Technology Administration - "Our Digital Future ", by
First, we must not forget that technology is the key to future prosperity. It has the power to improve our lives and make the world a safer, more abundant,
Usability and Interface Design
13.8.1 Future Directions. Many basic issues need to be addressed before technology can leverage fully from the natural advantages of speech---including the
President Discusses the Future of Technology at White House Forum
President Bush Thursday met with leaders of the technology industry and delivered remarks on how technology will help meet our Nation's priorities.
Speech technology: present and future applications in the airborne
Speech technology: present and future applications in the airborne environment. CA PORUBCANSKY Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 56:22, 138-143,
Opera Sings with IBM's Speech Technology
Opera Sings with IBM's Speech Technology: By combining Opera Show with voice, can allow users in the future be able to give presentations and tell Opera
Esprit and Lernout & Hauspie: speech technology
The Future is Speaking The speech technology market is evolving rapidly, and end-users are likely to play a role in more than one market sector.
Roadmaps, Journeys and Destinations Speculations on the Future of
Speculations on the Future of Speech Technology Research. Ronald A. Cole. Center for Spoken Language Research. University of Colorado, Boulder
Towards a Roadmap for Speech Technology
of Technology). 14:15-. 14:35. Roadmaps, Journeys and. Destinations Speculations on. the Future of Speech. Technology Research future+speech+technology: future+speech+technology
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