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On a more somber note
Today is the 65th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Remarkably, it's been met with complete silence. I guess the deaths of those 2500 Americans have been paid out in blood, that we don't have much claim to mourn for them
TXU Strikes Again
The evil villain of Texas energy TXU has struck again. This time ripping us off to the tune of more than 2000 kilowatt hours at .15 cents per KWH. Our sordid tale starts back when we moved into the rental house in Rowlett,
Carolina Sending Two Faculty Abroad on Fulbright Scholarships
Carolina Sending Two Faculty Abroad on Fulbright Scholarships Two UNC faculty members — an epidemiologist studying adverse birth outcomes and a scholar of American cultural engagement with Islam — have been named 2006-07 Fulbright
Fulbright Program chooses seven UF faculty to work abroad
Seven University of Florida faculty members have been awarded Fulbright Scholar UF also is hosting five Fulbright Visiting Scholars during the current “The Fulbright program is highly competitive and selects talented faculty
When winning a Fulbright means having to hide your face
Iraqi scholars find studying in America brings infamy. Written by Tran Le Thuy / New York . Published Monday, November 6, 2006
Three ASU professors join Fulbright ranks
Three ASU professors are teaching and doing research in other countries this year, having received Fulbright Scholar grants in the US government's flagship academic exchange program
Two Case Western Reserve University profs awarded 2006-2007
Two Case Western Reserve University professors have been awarded Fulbright Scholar grants for the 2006-2007 academic year, according to the United States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
Web 2.0 and Korean Media
In the summer of 1994, I graduated and took my Compuserve with me on my first Fulbright stint to Korea, and shared a single email address that all 27 of us had to use as a group at orientation, and which the Fulbright office had had to
Yale Produces Most 2006 Fulbright Winners
With 31 of its students awarded Fulbright grants this year to study or teach abroad, Yale University has been singled out as the “top producer” institution participating in the prestigious program
15 from Duke receive Fulbright scholarships for overseas work
Fifteen Duke University graduates and graduate students have received Fulbright scholarships from the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange
Fulbright ösztöndíjak az Egyesült Államokba a 2007-2008-as tanévre.
Fulbright New Zealand
We promote cultural exchanges between New Zealand and the United States. We provide education advice and administer a range of research and study awards.
Fulbright Center
For Finnish-American academic exchanges. Describes grant programs and opportunities for study in the US and Canada, with newsletter and alumni information.
The Australian-American Fulbright Commission
Presents study opportunities in both countries, as well as information on symposia and alumni and list of sponsors.
About Fulbright
Fulbright grants are made to U.S. citizens and nationals of other countries The Visiting Fulbright Scholar Program awards grants to foreign scholars to
Austrian American Educational Commission - Fulbright Comission
Gives history of the Fulbright program in Austria, with application, and information on current participants and on funding partners. [English/German]
Fulbright Association: The Fulbright Alumni Community
US alumni membership organization which supports and promotes the Fulbright Program. Gives membership information, with list of local chapters, and advocacy
Fulbright Web -- The Fulbright Online Community
Online community bringing together current Fulbright scholars and students, alumni, and the program's professional support network worldwide.
Describes available programs in Israel and the US, with applications, study materials, and information on donating funding for scholarships.
http://www.fulbright.be. Commission for Educational Exchange between the USA, Belgium and Luxembourg Fax: +32-2-5195773 email: fulbright.advising@kbr.be. fulbright: fulbright
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