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Australian Education Dept considers desktop Linux instead of Vista
The Department of Education and Training (DET) in New South Wales may increase the penetration of Linux on its 165000 desktop fleet because open source is "clearly an industry trend". In this video interview, the IT director says: "The
Hidden Agenda Reveals Winners, Announces Contest
The Liemandt Foundation, a nonprofit family organization with a primary focus on improving education through technology, has announced that the past years' winning entries in the "Hidden Agenda" educational game development contest are
Implementation Plan Challenege: OLPC XO vs.Classmate PC:
Better yet, don't even focus on the technology at all. Take Nicholas Negroponte's advice - think about the two systems as education projects, not laptop projects. Then you'll really note the starkly different implementation approaches
Engineering Education Not Keeping Pace
Engineering education that instills global competence is not keeping pace with the complex and highly dynamic development process of globalization. Study programs are not sufficiently international and cross disciplinary,
The Daily Incite - December 7, 2006
That's a shame because I think education is a key part of protecting But being #2 when it comes to innovation and perception in the technology space is a death So this news peg positions them as a "poor-man's PGP" by announcing
Music education moves online - Laura Ascione, eSchool News
Thanks to advancements in so-called Web 2.0 technologies, music education is extending beyond the classroom with the help of software that allows for virtual, real-time music lessons and collaboration online.
Greece bans cellphone use in schools to curb controversial pupil
AFP - Greece’s education ministry has banned mobile phones in schools in response to a flurry of cases where pupils used their cells to film ual activity and violent behaviour. Original post by Yahoo! News: Technology News and
Newer classrooms go interactive - DAVE GERSHMAN, Ann Arbor News
Professor Timothy McKay moved quickly through his lessons on the physics of motion. It's classic, time-honored science, but McKay is teaching it in distinctly modern fashion in one of the University of Michigan's newest facilities,
Swamp Sunrise
11 am - 12 pm Session on ``Financing Graduate Education: Current Trends, 9:30 am TECHNOLOGY-CRIME — George Washington University and Integrated Justice Bill Richardson and OAS General Secretary Jose Miguel Insulza hold a news
Press Release: Holiday Decorations Can Create Major Wi-Fi Disturbances
AirMagnet customers—more than 5000 organizations worldwide in industries as diverse as manufacturing, financial, retail, service, health care, utility, portation, education, government and technology—include 75 of the US Fortune
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