Selamat Datang - Welcome
Welcome to the homepage of our Embassy to the Holy See. Here you will find information and news about our Mission and the activities, consular services, cultural affairs.
New Office Location of the Embassy
The Embassy of Indonesia to the Holy See has changed address!
You can now find us at the new office located in:
00144 ROMA EUR
Tel. 06.592.900.49
Fax 06.542.212.92

Yogyakarta Quake Emergency
In the Press Releases page you can read about the Yogyakarta Earthquake of last 27 May. We're evaluating the necessity and possibility to put up information to send help for the population.
Website back online - Temporary Address
After some week offline, the Indonesian Embassy to the Holy See is back online with old revised content and new sections of information to the public. Please, let us know if you experience problems with the pages and submit any suggestion or contribution.We are activating a new domain/address which will be easier to remember and type. www.indonesiavatican.it (NOT ACTIVE YET)
Our Newsletter is available online
Our Newsletter is also available in electronic format (PDF, requires Acrobat Reader free). Both the latest and the past issues are downloadable from the dedicated page reachable through the link on the lefthand menu.Each issue is a full color complete edition of the original newsletter.Enjoy reading!
Pope Benedictus XVI
On 19 April, the white smoke from Sistine chapel brough news that the new Pope was elected after only three turns of voting in the conclave. Shortly after that, Pope Benedictus XVI, formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Dean of the Congregation for Doctrine of Faith, was announced on the balcony of St.Peter, where he addressed a few words to the people and gave his first benediction.
Tsunami Emergency
Sumatra, Aceh & NAD provinces
The earthquake that struck Sumatra again on last Tuesday 29 March has caused many victims and large damage to Nias and Sinalua Islands.
Deadline for foreign aid organizations was already lifted in the preceding week by Indonesian Government in order to realize a better recontruction and maximize efforts to help the population in the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province.
We will update the Tsunamy Emergency section as soon as we receive further notice of aid/funding processes.
The Indonesian Government is working hard to audit and make the reconstruction process to begin soon as efficient as possible.