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Tata Indicom Broadband India - A worst choice ever
Now I am using my airtel mobile connection and a mobile connected to PC for browsing as I can't rely on Tata Indicom Broadband any more as they will dump you when you are really in need of internet. Dont take tata indicom broadband
Telekommarkt06 - Notes on European telecoms
So is broadband penetration: according to EU and OECD figures for, the two countries with the highest broadband penetration in the world (South Korea, and operators need to reinvent themselves if they don't want to end up "as
Cable Rate Increases Smallest in Years
This isn't very surprising. As the price of anything falls, demand rises. However, there are many regulatory enthusiasts who are under the impression that broadband is what economists call "inelastic," meaning that consumers don't care
Sky broadband teams up with Google
Google will also be offering search, advertising and communications services, possibly including VoIP, though more specific details aren't public yet. The communications platform will roll out from Spring next year. Sky Broadband
Self-referential thoughts on right-wing bloggers, or: How I
This rage isn’t usually confected or invented; I really do read stories about I would say, though, that I didn’t start as a libertarian and then arrange And yes, being at a broadband connection, rather than actually having to,
Keeping America's Rural Areas Disconnected
Significant investment in broadband in rural areas can work. Besides businesses actually locating in rural areas if broadband is It becomes hard not to see Qwest-AT&T-Verizon-Comcast and all the rest as giant predator beasts t
Entergy Corp.NYSE: ETR to trial BROADBAND over POWER LINE with
those few haven't triggered a landslide of band-wagoneers. Around the globe, the big deployments are still saddled with problems that utilities won't want to mess around with long term. BPL is reported again and again to be the most
Appreciating technology back home…
Broadband here in Indonesia isn’t cheap (and not that fast either), mainly because of monopoly (they only have one telco). Back home, we always complain of downtimes, TTL lags on network gaming, occasional sluggish connections and
Hell below us
[T]he administration, I have come to believe, believes in nothing other than I don’t know whether the undercover cops who shot and killed Sean Bell and of mental broadband, but without language all you get is snow and static.
John Malone in Space
Liberty has long held a 16% stake in News Corp. that Rupert Murdoch didn’t like. Now he’s trading John Malone his 38% stake in DirecTV to get it. The swap would give Liberty a controlling stake in DirecTV. Owning several broadband
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