GIS, CAD, GPS, mobile industry maps,news,jobs...
The GeoCommunity provides FREE GIS data downloads, GIS job postings, news, GIS software tools, utilities, discussion, and fun...
CAD PARTNER - CAD Architektur, Facility Management Software, Stadtplan...
CAD PARTNER , Das Systemhaus für Architekturlösungen, CAD-Software, CAD-Hotline , CAD-Insidernews, Tips und Tricks, CAD Online Support, Schulungen, Beratung
SoftGuide - Software Standardsoftware Branche...
Detaillierte Informationen zu kommerziellen Softwarelösungen, betrieblichen Anwendungen, Branchenlösungen, Standard- und Syst...
Nemetschek UK - more than CAD Software
Allplan the winning 3D CAD software for architects.
DeLorme | Mapping Software, GPS, and GIS Solu...
DeLorme is a leading provider of mapping software, GIS solutions, and GPS for the consumer and professional markets.
Stephen Eldridge
The complete CAD draughting solution, with CAD draughting books, software and CAD draughting services.
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Gruppo Tessile Abbigliamento - italian textile group
Il gruppo tessile abbigliamento rappresenta in Italia le principali aziende tessili del mondo
Allen's Winappslist-Shareware, Freeware and C...
Allen's Winappslist has been providing quality software downloads (shareware, freeware, and commercial) since 1996. We concen...
BobCAD-CAM : Powerful, Affordable CAD CAM and CNC software systems
BobCAD-CAM is the world leader in affordable, time-saving cad cam software and has provided CAD CAM and CNC software systems to the design manufacturing industry for over 15 years. Download a free demo.