Hello, i'm LOLA i come form svitzerland and i am a white (swiss) shepherd.
I'm born the il 5th of April 2008.
i've been DNA tested for l'MDR1 and i'm +/-
i'm free from hips and elbow Dysplasia: i'm HDA - ED0
and i'm Young italian champion
movie: lola and the sheeps at 7 month old
In the upside picture, my first moments in the new house at about 2 month
In the upside picture, 3 month... and a lot of things to do with my new pack, the sea, the river, play with other pups at the park, swimn and so on... very fun!exept the toilet... i don't like it very much!
6 month! i'm grow up and alcor the border collie begins to play with me ... we can say we are friends now.
9 month...first time on the snow and first expos, i played a lot with a chech wolf and my half brother flash white dream , "akeem" for frieds.i also tried a strange object called tapis roulant...